[27] Ask Her Out

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During practice one day, while the third years were warming up in a circle together, Tendou sparked a conversation. "You know Wakatoshi, she's your girlfriend but you've never been on a date with her."

"Am I supposed to?" he asked uncertainly.

Semi sighed, "You really are a lost cause when it come to dating."

"What do I do?" he asked again.

Ohira replied this time, "Ask her out. Bring her to lunch or go watch a movie together."

"But those activities are time consuming and not very productive."

Semi rubbed his forehead in stress, "How do we convince this guy?"

Yamagata tried, "Well, that's how you get closer to her. And she'll probably appreciate it."

Ushijima thought for a while but nodded, "Alright, I will do that."

"Oh, there she is, go ask her out," Ohira encouraged.

Ushijima nodded, standing up and approaching the girl that clouded his mind. You noticed him walking your way and turned to face him, tucking a hair behind your ear before greeting him, "Hello."

Without any nervousness whatsoever, Ushijima told you, "Let's go out."

"What?" you asked, raising a brow.

The third years groaned and face-palmed at the robotic and monotonous way he had done what he was told. He was the furthest away from a romantic.

"Let's go out. On a date," he repeated.

You furrowed your brows, "Um, sure. When and where exactly?"

He hadn't thought it through at all, and he surely didn't expect to be questioned right away. "I haven't decided. You can decide for us."

"Did you really just ask me out and give the burden of planning to me?" you raised a brow questionably, crossing your arms.

His eyes widened, feeling slightly guilty by your response. "I apologize. I will take the burden. Expect my correspondence to you via text."

"He sounds like he's arranging a meeting instead of a date," Tendou commented, to which the others nodded in agreement.

"You are so strange. Thank god you're cute," you told him.

He blushed at your compliment, breaking into a small smile. "You are also strange and cute."

The third years couldn't stop grinning upon overhearing your conversation, shooting teasing looks towards the both of you. But you glared at them, which was enough of a sign for them to revert their attention elsewhere.

"Go practice now," you instructed him, which he did.


That night, Ushijima called for a meeting between all the male volleyball club players in the clubroom. Many were concerned – after all, he had never done so before. Goshiki in particular was getting stressed, anxious that it was because they might have caused some kind of trouble and were to get scolded, but Shirabu asked him to calm down.

Upon gathering, Ushijima stood up and spoke, "Thank you for gathering. I have called upon this meeting to obtain feedback from you all."

"Is this regarding our uniform designs because yes, I do think it should be changed!" Tendou suddenly exclaimed.

Ushijima raised a hand, "No. I would like you all to help me plan a date with (y/n)."


Silence swept the floor.

"Wakatoshi-kun," Semi called, rubbing his temples. "Did you really need to call a meeting for this?" He was obviously tired, as was the rest of the boys who had already struggled enough with endless practices and intense classes.

"I want it to be perfect. She deserves only the best."

"Awww," the room responded, completely taken aback by their stoic captain.

"And here I thought you were heartless," Yamagata grinned.

Ushijima furrowed his brows, "That's ridiculous." He paused before continuing, "I'm a living being, of course I have a heart."

"And there we are," Ohira murmured, sighing softly at his typical response.

Goshiki raised his hand excitedly, "I think you should take her to watch that new movie!"

"No way. You don't get to talk much during movies. The purpose of the first date is to get to know each other better, right?" Shirabu argued.

Kawanishi defended, "But they already know each other, so there's no harm?"

"Nope, movies are a terrible idea," Semi said.

"Why?" Ohira asked.

Semi turned to Ushijima and asked, "What movie would you bring (y/n) to watch?"

Ushijima thought for a while before answering, "I believe there is that new film on farming I think is quite interesting."

Semi leaned back onto his chair, "I rest my case."

"Well then, what about a fancy, romantic dinner?" Yamagata suggested.

Tendou crinkled his face, "Are we sure Wakatoshi can afford that?"

"It's okay. I will purchase the cheapest meals on the menu," he said.

Shirabu argued, "Yea but if she picks an expensive meal you're out of luck."

"Why does what she pick affect me?" Ushijima asked.

Ohira told him, "You know you're going to have to pay for everything, right?"

Ushijima's eyes widened, "Why?"

"Chivalry," Semi answered.

Ushijima blinked for a moment, but eventually answered, "Well, I don't mind but I would prefer not to spend it on overpriced food."

"How about a walk in the park?" Semi suggested.

Shirabu was quick to respond, "What is she? A dog?"

"Shut up, Shirabu!"

"This is rather difficult," Ushijima admitted.

Another wave of silence swept the floor, all of them brainstorming for the sake of their captain.

"Why don't you just do something the both of you would enjoy?" Kawanishi asked.

He thought for a while, pondering what common interests the two of you shared and his eyes widened as a brilliant idea came over him.

"I have the perfect idea."



sorry, kinda shorter than usual :(

been kinda busy lately with REAL LIFE but i promise, next chapter should be longer and more interesting (hopefully)

n e ways, i've got plans to release a new book >>soon<< that features our favourite moody owl so stay tuned if yall want to check that out?

<pls do im beggin ;_;>

okie thats all for now
love u guys so much hehe <3

stay safe or else >:(

- indie

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