[30] Jealous

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"I need to use the restroom," Ushijima told you as he finished his breakfast in the school's dining hall on a pleasant Saturday morning. You, however, were still eating and so you nodded, allowing him to go.

As you continued to eat, taking large bites from your breakfast, you noticed Ushijima's unattended phone on the table suddenly vibrating – signaling a text. You knew it was wrong but your nosy ass found yourself peeking at the screen to read it. And you were glad you did.

From: Hirano Reiko
Great! I'll see you at 1 then!

You clenched your fists in anger, finding your heart burning a little as you read the words of an unknown girl on your boyfriend's screen.

Is this what you call jealousy?

With deep exhales, you tried to stay calm; just interrogate him when he comes back. But in your mind, you couldn't stop wondering: Who the fuck was this bitch?

Ushijima returned and almost immediately you questioned him. Although, you didn't want to sound jealous or made it seem like you were nosy, so you devised a way to gain information stealthily.

"Wakatoshi! I was thinking maybe we could check out that new movie this afternoon before practice, say at like 1 or 2?" you suggested.

Ushijima's eyes widened slightly. "Sorry, (y/n), I have plans today."

"Oh, that's fine," you replied almost innocently before clearing your throat, "What plans?"

You could see him gulping slightly — which was enough body language to know he was nervous. "Just need to catch up with my studies. I have been lagging behind."

"Oh, maybe I can study with you!"

"No," he replied hastily, "I will be okay. You will distract me."

"HEY!" you exclaimed, rather offended.

He gave you a soft smile, "It's meant to be a compliment."

"Sure doesn't feel like it," you murmur.

He stood up with his tray and came closer to you, placing a small kiss on your crown. "We can watch the film tomorrow, okay?"

You didn't want to give up. "So, you're going to study alone?"

"Of course," he told you.


You felt your heart hurting but you let go, faking a smile. When Ushijima finally left, you didn't hesitate to dial Tendou's number on your phone and place a call.

He picked up after 3 rings. "Eh~, (l/n)-chan? Why are you calling me?"

"Meet me at the gym now and don't tell Wakatoshi about this." You immediately hung up, not even allowing him to respond. After that, you sent a broadcast message to the team (except for Ushijima, of course) for all of them to meet at the gym, again emphasizing them not to tell their captain.

You had to get to the bottom of this, ASAP.


"What are we doing here?" Kawanishi asked with an unwilling tone. He was looking forward to spending his Saturday morning sleeping till noon, but alas, your infinite spamming brought him to the gym.

"I have gathered you all here today–," you began, before Tendou cut you.

"–to plan your two-month anniversary, right? It is coming up! Such a shame that it clashes with the qualifiers but–"

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