11. Distraction

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Harlow and I have been wandering for half a day to be able to reach the closest city. We don't know where we are or where we are going, for that matter. The signs that are supposed to indicate where we are, have either been destroyed or taken down. All I know is that we are still breathing, which is the crucial part, at least for now.

We keep on following the road until we begin to arrive at a couple of houses. For the most part, they are missing paint, and the vast majority of the places could self-destruct with only a blow. It helps me to remember my home.

People watch us as we walk through their homeland. Maybe they wonder if we are hostile or friendly? It's not common now that people travel far from home. Usually, if you see new faces, it is either the Army, bounty hunters, or criminals. I can understand why people don't seem very friendly anymore.

"We need to keep on moving because I have a bad feeling," I say to Harlow, and she nods. We start to walk faster to get away from this unfortunate part until we reach the higher class.

There is a big difference here. Brand new, taller constructions and streets are all cleared up from sand and trash. We keep passing pastry shops and bakeries which is a nightmare. I am so hungry and thirsty, but there is nothing I can do about it.

I stop in front of a mall as I see something there that caught my eye.

"Follow me," I say as I pull her by the sleeve. We push through the crowd to reach a screen that hangs on the wall. The president is on the television, hidden behind her desk like she always seems to be.

"We are starting to break down Wales borders and soon enough, we will invade and claim what is ours," She has an appalling grin all over her face. Her brown hair is set up in a ponytail, which is exceptionally regular for individuals in the government. They, for the most part, have flawless hair, cosmetics and beautiful clothes. She is in a dazzling dim blue dress, and I can only dream of wearing something as lovely as that.

"And also, to remind after yesterday's news, River Maria Hernandez and Harlow Gray are still wanted after yesterday's events. I want them in custody and brought to the capital alive," She says, her face stiff as our images appear on the screen. I swallow hard after hearing my name and seeing myself on the screen. I wonder if my parents have seen this and what is going through their minds right now.

I turn to look at Harlow, who frowns as she listens to the television.

"Let's go," She says as she hangs her head lower than what she used to do, so I do the same. We find our way out of the mall and back onto the busy streets.

"We can't be here," She tells me.

"I know, but we need food and water," I sigh as I look around the area to see so much potential around me, shops, bakeries, and cafes. There are so many options, but we don't have any money to spend.

"We have to find a way to steal," Harlow says, which causes me to swallow hard.

"I went to prison for stealing on my first try, so I believe my skills aren't on a very high level," I say, and a small smile appears on Harlow's face.

"Well, the key to stealing is the need for a distraction," She points out.

"What do you mean?" I wonder.

"I will be the distraction, and you will get the items we need," Harlow explains.

"Okay," I shrug as I look around for the best place to get certain things we need.

"I think the little shop across the street would work," I say, and I pull her with me over the road and avoid cars to be able to reach the shop. I look around inside, finding water, bread, cookies and other small items that I can manage to sneak into the backpack.

"I just need the distraction now," I whisper to Harlow. I watch her walk back down to the cashier, straight forward, until she stumbles on a man who is about to pay for his groceries. They both fall onto the ground and the man shouts in anger.

I turn around to grab everything I can into the backpack, water, bread, a few cookies and even a couple of protein bars. The yelling stops and I close the pack to put it on my back as I go over to Harlow. The man frowns with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but my sister has just lost her sight and is still struggling to adapt," I apologize to the man who waves his hands to us and turns back to the cashier.

I garb Harlow by the arm and rush out of the shop along with the full backpack. We stroll down the street trying to keep a low profile, hoping they didn't notice yet that we took a few things from them.

I keep looking back as we continue down the street, but no one is following us. That is a good sign. Many people are wandering around, so it will be difficult to spot us if they look for us.  

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