31. I don't want to hear it

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When I woke up this morning, River was not in bed, nor the bedroom for that matter. Instead, I found Mary in the kitchen, and she told me River was in the shower.

"You were a bit scared there for a moment," Mary mocks me, and I roll my eyes. Yes, my heart was beating all over the place. I didn't expect River to be out of bed already. I remain quiet as I take a piece of the bread into my mouth. Mary was up early baking, and it's fluffy and fresh. I am not going to tell her that after what she said.

"Arthur and I talked yesterday and believe we can find someone who can help us. Help you," Mary says, but I shake my head.

"I don't want to hear it, not until River is okay again," I tell her, and she nods, understanding we need to prioritize River's health first. She is not ready to go anywhere, but I don't want to hear what Mary has to say. I need time to think. I'm too deep in everything and I need some time to figure things out.

"Um," Mary and I both turn around to face River. She stands in the doorway with a towel around her and cheeks all red. I'm not sure if it's from the shower or because she is slightly embarrassed

"I kind of need clothes," She says, barely able to make eye contact with any of us. Mary turns to look at me and I at her. She gives me a hint to go, and I clench my jaw looking at her with a tint of anger. She knows very well what she is going to me. I have a feeling she enjoys it.

"I'll help you," I offer and pass the half-naked woman in the entrance. She follows me up to the bedroom, and I open up the closet for her to find the garments she needs.

"Everything is in here," I smile lightly at her and on my way to leave the bedroom, quickly as possible.

"Can we talk?" River asks me, making me stop in my tracks. I swing back, and there is a serious look on her face, which makes my stomach turn.

"Um, sure," I say and sit down on the bed as she is standing in front of the closet.

"What do you want to talk about?" I shrug, trying to sound more confident than I am.

"Why are you avoiding me?" She questions, not even able to look me in the eyes. I stare at her as if the answer were written on her forehead. The gunfire wound is uncovered, making me swallow hard as I peer down at the floor, feeling the blame swell up in me.

I don't know what to say. Mary would have told me to tell her the truth, but what good could that do? Even I don't know what the truth is. Now Mary would have punched me in the arm for lying to myself. My head is swirling chaos at the moment.

"Harlow?" I meet River's eyes which appear to be concerned at this point.

"Are you alright?" She asks as she comes towards me, yet I get up on my feet to make her take a stride back.

"Yeah. I'm not avoiding you; I have a lot on my mind," I excuse myself.

"Okay," She answers, even though I can tell it was not what she wanted to hear.

"I'll let you get dressed," I state, and her cheeks turn somewhat red now as she understood she actually doesn't have garments on, just her towel around herself.

For a couple of hours now, my arm and neck have been bothering me. It has now come to the point where I can't contain myself from showing pain. I excused myself to take a look outside.

I fall to my knees. My arm is on fire and all I want is to scream in agony. Tears slide out of my eyes as I grit my teeth to contain my mouth from making a sound.

"Harlow?" I hear Harry calling my name, but I can't make him find me. I managed to hide behind a big rock, and I pull off my shirt, ripped a part of it off and put it in my mouth to bite down. I try so hard not to make a sound as it feels like my arm is being ripped apart.

"Harlow!" He shouts now, and before I know it, he appears around the rock.

"Mom!" Harry yells so loud that I feel nothing but anger and hatred taking over. 

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