42. What's your name?

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"How are you?" Arthur asks me as both of us are on the way down to the laboratory.

"I'm all right," I respond.

"You're sure? I don't think the fight between you and River is okay," He tells me and I roll my eyes as I rub my forehead where the persistent pain has been settled over the last few days.

"It's fine," I claim, and we're reaching a metal door. Arthur pulls out a key card to let us in, and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Landon gave it to me this morning," He shrugs, and I follow him inside. I've never been in here. I just noticed the entrance. I can hear various machines, so it's more of a lucky guess. The room is clear as the walls are white along with the floor.

Computers, microscopes and other instruments sit on top of the counters. I turn to my left and see a white door with a window.

"What's that?" I ask as I look inside the half-empty room. It's just a bed, a toilet, and a sink in there. It reminds me of the space I've had in prison, except it's cleaner and much more modern.

"It's an isolation room," Landon says as he joins us.

"It was made for someone who could hold a deadly disease," He explains, and I nod as I make my way over to him.

"How are you?" He smiles.

"I'm all right," I reply as I keep looking around.

"Do you mind?" Landon says, referring to a chair that looks exactly like the one that was in the military when they tested on me. I sit in the chair as much as I don't want to, but I agreed to be here.

"I'm going to need a blood sample and a couple of other things," He states, and I nod. I don't care what he's going to do. I'm dying, anyway. I close my eyes to the brightness of this room while listening to him discover his equipment. Arthur's going through a set of papers on my left.

"We will need to make a psychological evaluation," Arthur says as my eyes fly open.

"What? No!" I begin to get out of the chair.

"We've got to, Harlow," Arthur states, putting his hand on my shoulder. I collapse back into my seat.

"We need to know how this is impacting you," He explains as I roll my eyes.

"Didn't you research Noah when he went through this?" I can tell immediately that my words affect him.

"I did it, but you two are different," He explains, and I sigh as I nod.

"I'm sorry," I reply, and in exchange, he offers me a slight smile.

"This is not standard psychoanalysis. I brought this up because of your condition and I made it like a couple of hours ago," He tells me as a chuckle escapes my lips.

"Okay," I sigh. I begin to watch Landon go around the study but prefer to look at the ceiling. It makes me uncomfortable to be in here.

"What's your name?" I turn to Arthur.

"Just answer it," He grimaces as he rolls his eyes.

"Jordan Harlow Gray,"

"Age?" Arthur questions. I can hear Landon moving toward me.

"I was born on February 7, 2068, and I am twenty-eight years old," I reply, watching him write it all down, and I take a deep breath. It's like I am back at the beginning of my military service. Landon takes my arm and not long after, I feel the needle being pushed into my skin.

"Where do you come from?"

"Watford," I say as Cowan starts taking blood from my arm. Then he moves to the left and takes blood from one of my black veins.

"Interesting," He says as a small amount of black comes out.

"The name of your parents?" I stare at Arthur, not wanting to respond.

"Never mind," He says, crossing the question.

"Did you have any illnesses or allergies before this happened?" I shake my head,

"Do you feel any current pain?"

"Headache, tiredness, and a burning sensation in my left arm,"

"It might be the nerves," Landon says thoughtfully.

"Anything else that hurts? "He asks, but I shake my head, and he nods as he notes it all down.

"How do you feel?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"On an emotional level," He explains as he gazes at me.

"Angry," I blurt out without any thought. There is something about Arthur that makes it easier to communicate with him.

"What is it that makes you angry?"

"Everything," I sigh.

"Like what?" I rub my forehead; all these questions are frustrating.

"Do you have anything for the headache?" I ask Landon.

"Yeah, I'll give you some painkillers after we're done," He smiles at me, and I nod gratefully.

"Arthur, I'm on the verge of becoming a ticking bomb. I'm going to hurt people, and I don't want to hurt anyone. I need to be put down at some point," I say.

"We're trying to keep this from happening, Harlow, please be patient," He places his arm around my shoulder and smiles lightly.

"Open," Landon says holding a small stick in his hand. I roll my eyes, yet I open my mouth.

"I assured River that you would go to dinner," Arthur explains.

"I'm not hungry,"

"You missed breakfast, Harlow and you never turned up for dinner. I promised River that I would get you down before they closed," He informs.

"Fine," I get out of the chair and Landon offers me a couple of painkillers.

"We will see you tomorrow at the same time," He beams at me as I leave.

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