53. I'm not perfect

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The last two days have been a disaster. Whenever I want to find a way to spend time with Harlow, we both get interrupted. Landon wants new blood samples or to do more research.

Then, because of her emotional condition, Arthur has to ask questions to see whether she has lost any memory to see if she's aware of everything. I know these things are necessary and believe me, I don't want anything more than to help her get better again. I just want a day that I can enjoy with her with nothing in the way.

After dinner, Harlow didn't feel particularly good, so she had to get some rest. Landon and Arthur try to get me out of the way. They feel like I am going to be a distraction, which is possibly true, but I want to be around her more.

My parents sort of kept me entertained this afternoon as we spent some time in the lounge to watch a movie on the television. It's something my parents never had. I play a couple of games with Harry and Mary now. It's strange to say it, but I sort of feel like I'm in this large, weird family. It's a pleasant thought.

"Hi," I jump and lay my hands over my heart as Harlow sneaks up behind me. Harry breaks out in laughter.

"You frightened me," I say and punch her arm a little, but she just grins back at me.

"It's not funny."

"You want to play?" Harry asks.

"No, not now," She says as she brings my hand into hers.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing is wrong," She explains softly to me, and I breathe out in relief.

"So, what is it?" I ask, but then she begins to drag me down the hallways one after the other.

"Nothing," She smiles. We keep walking until we hit the entrance of the laboratory.

"Why are we here?" I wonder as Harlow pulls up the key to unlock the door. She takes my hand back in hers and I trail her into the lab, into the unknown. This place usually is very bright, is dimmed and empty now. I switch my eyes to Harlow, who still looks at me, and I can't help the fire from rushing to my cheeks. Harlow squeezes my hand and stands right in front of me. Her black eyes gaze at me with warmth, but then doubt washes over her like a wave.

"I know I'm not perfect," She says.


"Please let me talk," She instructs, and I nod quietly.

"I know I'm not perfect. I know you shouldn't like me and I know someone as beautiful as you deserve so much better," She looks down on the floor for a second before she finds my eyes again. I don't think I've ever seen the look of vulnerability and unworthiness in Harlow before. At least not like this.

"I'm sorry I can't give you more. I'm sorry I'm the way I am," She swallows hard as she struggles to hold eye contact with me.

"And I'm sorry that I like you," She tells me. Her look of torment, along with the words she said, makes me tremble with rage and pity.

"You're not supposed to apologise," I reply and tears of frustration roll down my cheeks as I snatch the bottom of her shirt and grip it tightly in my hands.

"Don't you dare apologise for who you are," I hide my face on her shoulder. The tears won't stop falling down my face. Harlow places her strong arms around my back and hugs me close.

"I like you exactly the way you are," I say and take a deep breath as I hang onto her.

"I like the fact that you're a lot taller than me and I like that you're ten times stronger than I am because it makes me feel safe," I tell as I wipe the tears off my skin.

"I adore your eyes. They're so captivating and unique," I put my hands on her cheeks and smile as I look into those black eyes.

"It's just something about them that makes me lose all sense of the world when I look at them," I say because it's true. Most people might see only the colour, but there is so much more in them. It's like I can see all of Harlow. The tenderness she rarely shows. The pain of her past. The insecurities that she has about herself because of what she is. The softness that brings me reassurances that she is here.

"It's like all my anxiety and concern vanishes," I say as she looks at me calmly.

"I like the way you make me feel when I'm with you," I smile at her and get one in return.

"So, don't you ever apologise for who you are," I argue as I thug at her shirt in annoyance and she watches me softly and patiently.

"Come here," Harlow says as she throws her arms around my neck and I hold her around the waist. The warmth and comfort that she offers. We stay like this to take the little time we may have left for ourselves.

She goes backwards until she bends down gradually and waits for me to accept it. To accept her. I drag her by the shirt, so her lips can actually touch mine again. It feels like it's been ages since I kissed her last time. She shifts her lips softly and gracefully onto mine.

I pull her by the waist, requesting more as I move her closer to me. It just seems like it's never going to be enough. She picks me up and I tie my legs around her waist and laugh as I lean my forehead against hers.

"You're wonderful," I smile as she transfers us over to the counter and places me on top of it. I lay my palms on her cheek to draw her mouth down to mine. The urge is not going to stop; I need her as if it were my drug. It's so odd how anyone can enter your life and complete you as if they've been a missing piece all this time. You just don't know until it's there.

Harlow steps back to break our contact and rubs the side of her head.

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," She smiles at me, but I know something is wrong.

"Don't lie to me," I whisper and stroke her cheeks as I look straight into the depths of her black eyes.

"It's just a headache," Harlow answers as she does not want to worry me.

"I guess you're going to have to rest," I smile at her, but she shakes her head.

"I've rested," She states and I roll my eyes.

"I know, Harlow, but you're in agony," I reply.

"It's nothing I can't deal with," Harlow grins, and I chuckle as I place a kiss on her forehead.

"Let's not risk it," I warn her and I keep a hold of her as she pulls me off of the table.

"What are you doing? "I chuckle as she carries me across the lab.

"Resting," She answers, and it makes me chuckle again as she puts me in her bed. I drag her down to me. Harlow beams and her dark eyes glitter with delight. I lay my hands on the sides of her head; her short hair feels like sandpaper on my skin. She closes her eyes to my touch and a brief moment later, Harlow places her head on my chest.

People may find her terrifying, threatening, and I know she has cracks and fragments that remain, yet I find her heart humble and kind. She may be a mistake in the eyes of the government, but she's perfect for me.

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