39. Listen up!

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Whispers throughout the room wake me up. I rub my sleepy eyes before I open them. Arthur and Mary stand in front of the closed door.

"What's going on?" I ask, leaning up to see what's going on. Harlow is over with the window again, gazing down. My parents are seated on their beds, appearing somewhat nervous.

"We're just waiting for somebody to arrive," Arthur smiles, and I nod before I face my parents.

"How are you?" I ask. My father's brown hair is standing in every direction on his head. I notice a few more grey hairs sticking out now. My mother's glasses were sitting a little edgy on her nose.

"We're fine," My dad said as he looks at my mother.

"But a little concerned and afraid," He adds.

"I know. It's going to be fine at the end of the day," I didn't mention to my parents that the reason I'm in so much trouble is because of Harlow. Her brother Connor said they valued her the most, and it didn't matter much if she died. I can see why they want her alive because if you see it in that aspect, she's government property.

I untangle myself out of the sheets and work my way to Harlow. Men and women are out in full black uniforms; their weapons rest on their shoulders as they listen to their man in charge.

"Are you all right?" I ask, and a few seconds later, Harlow stares at me.

"Yes," She answers and takes a deep breath as she glances around.

"What are you looking at?" I wonder.

"Everything," She continues and I turn to her, narrowing my eyes in confusion.

"Listen up!" A woman comes inside our room. She stands straight in her black uniform. Her brown hair is set in a ponytail, poking out the hole in her cap. She is the female from last night.

"I am Lara Williams. I'm here to lead you and support you," She explains.

"I'm taking you down to the cafeteria where the chief of command is waiting for you, but first I need to check you for further weapons," Lara says, and then she starts searching through Arthur and Mary.

"Is that really necessary?" Harlow asks, her arms crossed over her chest with a frown.

"Yeah," Lara answers before she finished scanning Harry.

"You searched through us yesterday. How could we possibly have a weapon?" Harlow asks. I find my way back to her in a rush.

"Just let it go," I mutter to her, but she ignores me. Lara doesn't seem too concerned about Harlow's annoyance as she continues to look through my parents. When she is done with them, I step forward.

I let the brown-eyed woman examine me for something that could do any harm, even though I know I don't have anything. Harlow is right, but we don't have to fight every battle. I watch the woman lean over to search my legs and find nothing. Before approaching Harlow, she sends me a slight smile.

I send Harlow a severe look to let Lara check her, but she remains with her arms crossed over her chest.

"It's going to take a second," Lara explains, but Harlow stands her ground.

"If you don't want to corporate, then I have to see you as a threat," She warns Harlow and we all watch as they have a stare-off.

"Okay," Lara takes out her firearm and points it to Harlow.

"Get on the ground!" Williams yells at her, but before I know it, Harlow pulls the weapon out of Lara's hand like it is nothing.

"I'm not doing anything" Harlow dissembles the gun, then lets every bullet fall onto the floor, and chucks what's left of the weapon on the floor.

"Harlow," I shout out her name as she's on the way to the entrance. I give Lara a little smile as she stares out at the door where Harlow goes off.

"She's a bit sharp around the edges," I reply, rubbing the side of my head. My parents look at me upset with Harlow's behavior, while Arthur and Mary seem concerned.

"There are fresh clothes in the bag right outside the door," Lara says. She runs out of the room, most likely to hunt down Harlow. I massage the bridge of my nose and let out a huge sigh.

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