54. What's your favourite colour?

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With a smile, I wake up to the warmth and comfort of Harlow's embrace Her face is buried on the top of my head and I can feel her breathing lightly. I turn around gently to cover my face in her collarbones as I lay my arm around her middle. She smells like happiness and safety. I know she can be dangerous and I am aware of that. At any moment, the switch in her mind will turn on and push away every sense that she has.

"What are you doing?" Harlow mumbles and I smile at how cute she sounds.

"Nothing," I respond. I turn back to look at her heavy eyelids and I start to touch her face lightly. She's trying to keep her eyes open, which is a little adorable and humorous.

"What is your favourite colour?" She asks and I lift my eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" I ask and she opens her dim, sleepy eyes to look at me.

"What's your favourite colour?" She asks again.

"Um, well green," I respond without understanding the random question.

"What kind of green?" Harlow asks, appearing very curious as her eyes haven't left me.

"Grass green, I believe,"

"Why are you asking?" I question.

"Well, I do think I should know some things about the woman I'm lying in bed with," She chuckles, and a surge of heat comes on my face.

"Then what is your favourite colour?" I ask her in return.

"Blue, like navy blue," She replied, brushing my hair behind my ear. Her contact is so simple, but it still brings chills through my skin.

"What are your favourite things to do?" I ask as I slip into the line of learning new information about each other.

"Before I became like this, I used to exercise and train. It was a wonderful feeling, but once I turned, I didn't need it. My strength and stamina were out of this world. I only work out now whenever I need to gather my thoughts," She responds

"Is there nothing else you'd like to do?" I ask.

"No, it's all I know," She answers, and I watch her sadly.

"What about you?" Harlow beams and chews on her lower lip.

"I like to read, I'm really interested in history, and that's why I became a teacher," I tell her. It feels so long ago since I did those things as if I have forgotten that part of me. Now, it's just about running, hiding, and trying to survive.

"You're a bit of a nerd," Harlow jokes and the embarrassment makes me hit her in the shoulder.

"I'm sorry," She smiles at me and I roll my eyes. It's fascinating how different we are from each other. I like to keep my nose in a book while Harlow would head out for a run. She's a lot taller and well-built while I'm thin and short, but somehow, I feel very drawn to her.

A part of me knows I shouldn't be pulled to her. I know what she is, and I know there's a risk she's not going to survive. It's a matter of the fact that I don't want to think about or want to face, but it's still in the back of my mind.

Everything about her is alarming, but it's still so exciting and for some strange reason, I suppose that's what attracts me to her. Love knows no limits. Love does not understand what is wrong or what is right.

"Hey," Harlow says as she lays her hand on my cheek and I smile at her touch.

"Are you all right?" She wonders.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking," I say as I place my hand on her neck and bring myself up to put my lips on hers. We move them gently together, but then she drags me on top of her as our kiss deepens. Her hands find a way under my top and her warm grasp on my back makes me want more.

I move away to stare straight into those black eyes that are filled with longing and want. The slight uncertainty on her face is cute and I lean back to her desirable lips; it's like they're teasing me. Our legs keep getting wrapped around each other since we can't stop turning and twisting.

She bites my lower lip gently, which promotes a huge smile to come over my face and the aspiring heat between us keeps gripping with every touch and kiss. My hands find their way under her shirt to feel the warmth of her skin as I trace the muscles of her abdomen.

I gasp for air as her lips go to my neck. The chills that run down my back make my hair expand on my skin. I grasp her waist to try to find something to hang to while the waves of pleasure and excitement make me demand more.

I'm about to pull her shirt up, but a knock on the door and we both stop everything as if someone has hit the pause button.

"Harlow, we're going to have to do some more testing to see how you are," Arthur says and we both sigh with annoyance.

"Can't you wait?" She asks.

"We don't have a lot of time, remember," He responds, and his words make me come back to reality. As much as I want this to happen, Harlow's well-being needs to be prioritized. I'd rather see her for a lifetime than have a couple of moments with her.

"Go," I steal a kiss from her.

"In the meantime, I'm going to find something to do," I say and she nods with a look of disappointment on her face. She makes her way out of bed and checks that her clothes are properly on. Harlow gives me a slight grin before she leaves me alone.

I lie on my back to look at the ceiling to catch my breath to ease down the tension. This lady is so attractive and electrifying.

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