Chapter 8

994 44 14

25th August 2047

It was a constant tickle in my limbs, a fluttering in my stomach, this happiness and anxious waiting. Aslo was set to arrive tomorrow, just four days since his phone call and I couldn't help but wish time would go faster. I had even considered jumping forward a day just to see him sooner but I knew that it would be foolish. It was my own personal rule: do not jump to the future unless absolutely necessary. It stemmed from the fact that I knew my gift ran on determinism. If I saw something in the future, it was then a certain fact it would happen so I avoided travelling there. I didn't want to see something I would later regret.

I knew the others were curious about Aslo's arrival. I hadn't told them much about him at all, merely that he was a friend I had known for a very long time. I rode out their questions with a smile on my face and a smug enjoyment as they teased in frustration. Garrett was his usual playful self as he pondered out loud whether my guest would be a Peter Pan or Wendy to go with my Tinkerbelle. I could only imagine what Aslo's reaction would be to being referred to as Peter Pan.

In truth, although I was excited about Aslo coming I couldn't deny that his visit was also a relief, a distraction from the churning emotions that filled me. It was the night after Aslo called when I was standing out at the lake edge, looking at how the moonlight glittered of the glassy surface, and I saw Edward standing at the other side. He was far away but I could still see him clearly as he stood in the light, raising his hand to wave across at me. The smile on his face was just visible as I returned his gesture. It was strange to see him so close; it was still something I was still getting used to. I wasn't sure if I ever would to be honest.

As we stood there watching each other I noticed Edward's head turn and soon Bella's figure came into view, her arms going instantly to wrap around his waist as she snuggled into him. I knew she saw me but she didn't offer any sign of recognition. Instead she stretched up on her toes and placed a lingering kiss on Edward's lips, her sigh almost reaching my ears. Or perhaps I just imagined that it did.

It was then that the churning started, the odd combination of confusion, anger, and curiosity. I hadn't come to like Bella anymore than I had when we argued but I couldn't be sure that it was just her presence that caused my annoyance. Was it the kiss they shared? Was it just because it brought up ancient human memories that echoed with the emotions I'd felt during their wedding and the moment they said 'I do'? I didn't understand it so it was a relief to know I didn't have to think about it, I could just focus on Aslo's return.

I snapped out of my reverie and smiled at Alice as she came over from talking with Tanya.

"Are you sure you won't come with us?" she asked.

"Alice, it's a Cullen family hunting trip, and I've got things to handle here." She pouted, and I giggled at the fact she was still using her puppy eyes after all these years.

"Don't look at me like that." I nudged her and turned to Tanya. "Have you heard this, Tanya, Alice is trying to poach me off on their trip."

"You sneaky little pixie. You come over here saying you need to borrow a few things but all the while you're just trying to pinch our Sarelle." Tanya teased as Carlisle chuckled and Jasper kissed Alice's temple.

Meanwhile Edward just watched me from his conversation with Kate, an unexplainable curiosity in his eyes.

"She couldn't go even if she wanted to. That friend of hers is turning up tomorrow," Garrett explained and I saw how Edward's eyes widened infinitesimally.

"We are greatly looking forward to meeting them. Sarelle has been so anxious for their arrival," Eleazar commented as Jasper, Alice, Edward, and Carlisle watched me.

There was a breath of evergreen rush through the house as footsteps crunched on the gravel outside. "Speak of the devil," Carmen murmured as the rest followed my blurred movement to the front door.

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