Chapter 16

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12th October 2047

"Oh, come on, Emmett. I honestly thought you would see it coming," I reasoned as Emmett sat against the snapped tree trunk, rubbing the back of his neck as if he could still feel the pain. He continued to pout and seemed set on ignoring my apology. In all fairness I hadn't meant to harm him. In fact I was only gauging my actions on his. He wasn't holding back so I didn't feel the need to either.

"You almost had me with that body lock," I cajoled as I sunk down to his level and rested my hand on his thick shoulder.

"WWF special." He grinned, chuckling at my blank expression. I might have been a vampire but there were still little words and sayings that eluded my knowledge.

"No hard feelings?" I asked as I rose and offered my hand.

"It's going to take more than an ass-kicking to hurt my feelings, Saz." He ruffled my hair and we walked back to the house together. Emmett quickly bundled Rosalie into his arms and swept her upstairs while I was greeted by the others.

"Aslo's taught you well," Carlisle said with a proud smile on his face.

"He had to, I wasn't the most regimental of newborns. I tended to rely on my brute strength than my mind."

"You wouldn't be the first," Jasper commented and I nodded as I swept a glance over his scars. I could guess where he got them from. Aslo and I had met a vampire and his mate who bore the same markings. They were one of the sole reasons we had not ventured into the Texan war. It had been a hard decision for us both given the smell of blood that drifted from the civil battles. Still, after what we had heard from the two of them the blood had already been claimed through a war none of the humans knew about. I had tried not to think whether or not Katelyn had been one of the unlucky few to taken or turned.

"Do you want to come, Sarelle?" Alice asked with a bright smile while Carlisle and Esme walked out towards the edge of the woods.

"To hunt?" I questioned as I snapped out of the memory.

Jasper nodded as Alice bent to tighten the straps on her shoes."There is herd of deer not far off the ridge."

"Thank you but I think I'm going to head back home." Alice's face dropped in an instant.

I chuckled and gave her a hug. "Don't worry I'll be over tomorrow and I'll be at your command. Dress me up, make me over, or whatever else you come up with." She smiled so with a wave I left them behind, my mind fixed on the wooden house my coven called home.

I smiled as I raced into my room, going straight of the drawer with my diary and photographs inside. I sifted through the photos grinning as I heard the rest laughing and joking downstairs. We had been talking about our pasts and I had to show them the images I had of Aslo in London on Halloween. As my hands reached for the stack of photos I saw my phone blinking over on my bedside table. With the photos in my hand I bounced onto the bed and reached for the shiny black device. With a swift click of a button the screen lit up and I stared at a message.

Meet me at the cliff. E

I knew who it was from, but I didn't know why he was here. He was supposed to be with Bella and his daughter. He was supposed to be in Forks, 900 miles away. The time on the text was twenty minutes ago. He would probably be there already, or at least close. I felt my stomach churn, or at least some similar feeling.

"What's taking so long, Sarelle?" Kate called up and with a rush of nerves I locked the phone and stuffed it in my jeans pocket.

I didn't know why but I felt this resounding guilt at even contemplating sneaking out to meet Edward. For starters I didn't know why I felt the need to sneak out. Everyone in this house knew I was friends with Edward, or at least knew we talked if not how regularly. But nonetheless my gut was telling me that to tell them where I was going and who I was going there with would be a mistake. I clutched the photos a bit tighter and fixed a sure smile on my face. I knew I would meet him as he asked but I also knew it wouldn't be as soon as he would like.

Another thirty minutes passed until I was given the opportunity to slip away. As each of the couples retreated to their bedrooms I slipped on a pair of shoes and left out the back door.

I could see the lake sparkling through the trees as the moon's full face shone out across the land. It seemed to watch me as I ran to the cliff. It felt like it reflected my own feelings back at me, the judgement, the guilt, the confusion, and most of all the excitement that tingled in my limbs. For all the nerves I felt I couldn't deny the shiver-like thrill which took hold of me every time I let myself think of why Edward wanted to see me or why he was here. I slowed when I reached the clearing. I could smell the fresh cool air drifting from the cliff and infiltrating the moist scent of the forest. Most of all I could smell the scent of my downfall riding the breeze. I knew Edward and I were friends, or at least that's what we labelled ourselves, but I couldn't lie to myself and say that the smell of him didn't ignite something in me. That little fire that once burned and now is just embers and ash.

I peered through the darkness to see him pacing. His hands gripped his hair before frantically tearing away again in what seemed like frustration.

"Edward?" I murmured as I wove passed the thick tree trunks towards him, my feet barely making a sound on the damp earth. He stopped pacing instantly as he turned with a shocked but eager expression.

I frowned at his wide eyes. They held such conflict and concern.

"I thought you wouldn't come," he uttered yet didn't move.

"I was busy."

"I waited. I thought you'd reply, but you didn't and then I didn't know where else to go." He rushed as his hand ran through his hair once again, standing the strands on end as if his mood had every inch of him on edge.

"I didn't have my phone on me. I'm sorry, but I thought you were with Bella." I stepped towards him, reaching out when I saw his expression crumble and his gaze dropping to the floor.

"Edward, what happened?" I asked as I cupped his cheek in my palm, watching his golden eyes reach up to mine.

"Don't ask, please." He sounded so tired. As I pulled him in to my arms I felt him breathe in deeply and as he exhaled it seemed as if all that was wrong became right again. His body relaxed against mine, his arms passing around my back from where they had once hung limply at his sides.

"God how I've missed you," he breathed as a hand ran through my hair. The sensation of being held so intimately and the safety I felt caused something deep inside to stir. To feel this way, to have this with him, I would do anything. The guilt that had plagued me on the way to him vanished replaced by ignorant bliss. I loved that I could soothe him this way. I loved that he called to me when in need. I loved...what we had. No matter how twisted.

I pulled away gently but he kept contact by placing my hand in his.

"How is Renesmee?" I asked quietly for fear of sending him back to the state he was in before.

"She's upset but Jacob is looking after her."

"And Bella?" The words barely left my mouth. I had to almost force them into existence.

"Bella...seems to be coping just fine." There was an edge in his voice but with a squeeze of my hand he let whatever he was hiding go.

"I don't want to think about it anymore. I just want to get away for a while." He let me go and walked off towards the edge of the clearing, the opposite direction to home. I dashed to be beside him, twining my fingers with his.

"So where should we go?" I asked with a smile, feeling it brighten as Edward cast a crooked grin of his own.

"Keep up if you can." And with a quick squeeze of my hand he was gone. We were gone to someplace only we knew.

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