Chapter 31

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14th March 2048

"You have to slow down, Sarelle, you'll-"

"I'll what, Carlisle? Die?" I laughed at the thought. "I don't think that's a problem now."

"You'll burn out." His eyes softened as he watched me train. Sparks shot from my palms, latching on to objects around me like one of those plasma balls the human's used to marvel over. Except now I was the flickering ball of energy at it's centre and the sparks flew at my will. They licked over the objects surface, coiling like ivy. And then, when I wished it, they disappeared. Appearing on the other side of the room as if by magic. Except it wasn't magic. It was me. It was this energy I'd always had inside me but only now understood. I had always thought the tingle owned me, like I was just a child who happened to have been dragged along for the ride. But now I understood. Or at least I was beginning to. I could use it. I could funnel it through me, bend it like light through water.

I targeted my mind on the vase in front of me and smiled as the crackle of electricity sparked to caress the delicate glass. I felt the hum as the particles vibrated. And then I simply thought not here, as the vase vanished from view, but there as it reappeared by the window sill. I didn't know what happened to it in between but I knew it wasn't gone. I could feel it. Like its atoms were still there just not arranged they were before.

"Please." Carlisle's voice snapped me to attention and the electricity vanished. "You need to hunt, Sarelle."

The thirst raged at my throat as he spoke but my palms tingled in complaint. "I'm not hungry."

"You've practiced enough." His hand touched mine and its warmth weakened my resolve.

"I can't Carlisle. If I stop..."

"You can, and you will. You've already surpassed any concept we had of your gift."

"But it's not enough."

"All we need is a way out if negotiations fail. You can do that. You've proven time and time again that as long as we're close enough we can all jump to safety together."

"It's not enough," I murmured as I stared down at my palms. If I rubbed my fingertips together I could feel the energy dance on my skin. It was stronger that it ever had been but so was the fear sitting at the pit of my stomach. "It will never be enough, Carlisle, because if there is even the slightest chance that I lose you- any of you- it is a chance too great."

"We're not going anywhere, my child. I promise." I stepped into his open arms, pressing my cheek against his chest as his arms wrapped around me. I felt my body sag against his. I had been training for weeks now, pushing myself beyond my limits and only now did I feel it take its toll.

"You need to hunt," he murmured against my hair, running its waves through his fingers.

I sighed as I nodded, "I know."

"And you should give training a break. Try and relax."

I stared at him incredulously. "I know that seems impossible," he chuckled, "but it would do you good. It's helped the others. Going back to school, back to normal."

The possibility twisted in my chest. I'd already missed going back to school. The others had covered for me but those lies would run out of credence soon. I just couldn't think about going and playing pretend knowing something cataclysmic could be coming.

Carlisle must have sensed my aversion. "Go with Esme and Nessie into town at least, I know they'd be glad to see you.. "

"I don't know if I can just pretend everything is normal." I blurted.

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