Chapter 10

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I shut the door to the Denali house behind me and swung my bag onto to my shoulder as I ran towards the town. It felt like this visit was the first normal thing I had done since the Cullens and Aslo arrived. Before they came it wasn't unusual for me and the others to go into town, visiting the mall, the library, enjoying the lively community ambience of Colter Bay. However since our once quiet existence changed and adapted, it had seemed like there was never enough time to just take a slow day wandering around at leisure.

I slowed down to a human paced walk as I came close to the town. I had one destination to the in mind and that was the old fashioned library that the village had managed to hold onto. The again as I took a step in the right direction I smelt two familiar scents on the wind and my head turned with a smile towards the small—and only—boutique in the area.

I skipped across the road and opened the door carefully. The bell rang out creating a pleasant ringing that echoed softly through the shop, only interrupted by the sound of a little tinkling voice and the scraping of metal hangers against stylish clothe rail.

"Oh, Jazz, look they have a vintage Dior... and it's just like that one I had in Belmore." The voice rose to an excitable squeal that I knew well.

I crept towards the back of the shop, moving too swiftly for the shop owner to notice. I grinned as I saw Alice and Jasper standing next to the rail which held some of the most expensive pieces. Jasper wore his usual indulgent smile as Alice layered garments over his arms and rattled through the rail as if it were a treasure trove.

I gazed fondly at the lilac Dior she had placed on top of the ever growing pile in Jasper's arms. It was exactly like the dress she had worn when she and I went into Belmore with Esme, the day after Valentine's day in Belmore.

"I always did like that one." I quipped as I stepped into view.

"Sarelle!" Alice grinned as she threw yet another dress at Jasper and spun to embrace me in a tight hug.

"I should have guessed you would find this place eventually," I said as I released her and greeted Jasper.

"She has exhausted all the shops in the mall. Literally in some cases." Jasper grinned as Alice pouted.

"Some humans just have no stamina."

Jasper moved towards the cashier while Alice brightened. "It seems like forever since we talked. There's so much to catch up on. Aslo being one thing. It's been amazing talking with him, he's done so much." Alice gushed as I nodded and we walked slowly towards the door.

I couldn't really think what to say so I just settled on listening. I had spent around a hundred years with Aslo, we'd had a million conversations, and experienced a million different events together. Still, to hear his stories and memories through Alice's eager voice gave them a different spin. It was like she saw a new aspect of them that I had never noticed.

Jasper caught up with us just after we left the shop and took Alice's hand in his. "The shopkeeper will deliver your purchases later on today, Darlin'," he said with a kiss.

"I was just telling Sarelle about Aslo...which probably is a bit odd because she was with him for at least a sixth of his life," she explained sheepishly.

"Alice, it's fine. I like hearing you talking about him, and it's great the two of you are getting on so well."

"He's quite a man, loyal, constant. We all see him as a friend already. He's even managed to win over Rosalie." Jasper smiled quietly.

"Only person who doesn't seem to get on with him is Edward. He was completely out of order at the baseball game. It was embarrassing," Alice mumbled.

"He hasn't been himself for the past few weeks. There is clearly something bothering him but he won't talk to anyone about it." Jasper explained and I smiled because of course Jasper would notice. No one can keep their feelings from him.

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