Chapter 18

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A few days passed until anymore news came from Forks. I spent most of that time with the Cullens, shopping with Alice, laughing with Emmett, wrestling with Jasper, reminiscing with Carlisle, bitching with Rosalie. Esme even convinced me to try my hand at cooking, although it was clear that my basic ability had certainly not improved since my human days. There was no need to think when I was with them. It wasn't like when I was with the Denalis. There wasn't the undercurrent of loneliness that I so often felt when I watched them in their pairs. With the Cullens it was different, it was like family.

"Could you pass me the floral fabric, sweetie?" Esme asked from the drawing board. She had decided the house needed updating and she wasn't doing it by half.

I reached over the back of the sofa and threw the segment of curtain fabric towards her, smiling as she caught it effortlessly without looking.

"Anyone heard what's happening on the Bella front?" Emmett asked into the bustling room as we battled on the latest war game. I could remember the days when remotes and controllers were the things used. Now sensors and projectors immersed you in the game, filling every sense.

"As far as I know the funeral was yesterday, although I'm unsure as to when they'll return," Carlisle said gravely over the top of his book.

"Did they get the flowers we sent? I had to use a different name just in case." Alice piped up from Esme's side.

"Yes, Edward said Bella greatly appreciated them. It's been hard on her, being unable to properly attend the funeral but the Quileutes held a separate ceremony so they were able to pay their respects."

I tried not to pay too much attention to the conversation around me. I wondered if they knew Bella and Edward had argued, that she had banished him from her side on the way to Forks. I knew Edward was with her now, but I couldn't help but ponder whether or not the Cullens knew he had been with me while his mourning wife ran on without him.

"Ha! Game over, Saz," Emmett hollered as my character collapsed to the ground. I felt the sensors in my hands grow cold, matching the temperature of my body. To any other human it would be the temperature of death.

"You should have taken to higher ground, darlin', take the tactical advantage." Jasper teased as I eased the glove-like sensors off my hand.

"Well then, General, suit up and show me how it's done." I smiled as he took the challenge and Emmett whooped at the opportunity of a new player.

"I say we leave the boys to play their little game, don't you Sarelle?" Rosalie drawled as she lifted her sculpted body from the pristine white chaise-longue.

"This ain't no little boy's game, woman. This is a man's game!" Emmett grinned as he flexed and took on the fighting stance.

"Sure, baby," she purred. I chuckled and followed Rose out of the room, leaving the sounds of guns and shouting behind.

"He'll not leave that screen for the next 12 hours. He has this thing for completing all the levels as quickly as possible. I think he has some challenge going with some Swedish child." Rose said offhandedly as we descended to the garage. I knew it was her place to get away from things so I was surprised she'd invited me to join her in what had always been her space.

"You fit here. You know that don't you," she said in a matter of fact tone as she reached to pop the hood of her latest sports car.

"I'm happy here, but that's not to say I'm not happy with the Denalis as well."

"Oh please, you might be close but they're not family. Plus now they're all paired off you don't have to stick around to keep Tanya entertained."

I resisted my urge to flinch. I knew Rosalie didn't mean to be deliberately harsh, it was jsut her nature. Still I could help be feel a bit affronted at the idea that she thought the Denalis only kept me around to play three's a crowd.

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