Chapter 11

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I shook my head as I looked a few feet in front of me, seeing the garden of violet flowers with all of their heads pointing downwards. Knautia arvensis. I sighed softly, leaning down to pluck one from its place. I smiled at their beauty, their posture, their grace, the moonlight reflecting on their lovely starburst petals.

"Beautiful night." I heard the voice call out, my eyes darting up as I watched the pale figure emerge from the darkness of the forest. Edward's bright eyes were glorious, his smile calm and soothing. I relaxed my body as I could hear his steps becoming closer, my head nodding as I looked back down at the flowers.

"Mhm," I murmured as I sat down on the ground, looking at the Arvensis once again.

"They are gorgeous," he said, kneeling down in front of me. I tucked my hand under my chin as I looked up to him, my eyes studying his every move as he came closer, placing his fingers against the petal, his skin sparkling under the moonlight. I looked down at my skin, noticing that mine was doing the exact same thing. It was different, I could feel the sparkles twinkling against my arm. I sighed softly, nodding my head as I looked back up to him with a smile.

"They always remind me of my parents. It's nice in a way. Stops me from feeling lost."

"I always think of the meadow, the days spent there."

"Yes, I think of those days too. It's a very special place,"

"Carmen mentioned something...that you leave for Forks every year, a tradition of some kind." Edward's eyes caught mine, puzzled and curious.

"It's to mark the anniversary of my parents deaths. I plant a single seed of these little flowers next to that oak tree every year. It helps a little."

"The cross, on the oak tree...All this time I never knew."

"Another mystery uncovered." I smiled and sealed my lips from revealing anymore about the meadow. Edward didn't need to know what my first few months as a vampire had been like there, how I had jumped there in anger and grief and torn the place to ruin all those years ago.

"What are you thinking about?" I finally asked him. How many times had he asked me that question? Now it was my turn.

Edward sighed softly, his lips forming into what looked like a frown. How upsetting could his life have been that he had to frown about it? I gently nudged his perfectly shaped elbow as I watched him sit in a trance-like state.

"I don't know..." He breathed between every word, his eyes staying away from mine as he watched the water trickle down the rocks, "I've just been very... Distracted lately." He finally looked down at me, his lips forming into a crooked smile. It made my ice-cold heart melt, and I could have sworn I heard a beat, even though I knew it was impossible.

"By me?" I asked with surprise.

He nodded shamefully as he shook his head.

"It's true," he admitted as he watched me, his hand pressing against my cheek. "I've been too distracted," he gushed.

"I'm sorry." I choked, looking down as I shook my head, "I didn't know it was bothering you so much."

"No, no. What I mean is... I've been so oblivious to the world. I'm now finally seeing what's in front of me." He divulged as his eyes gazed at me with passion. I felt my mind go numb.

"Edward..." I sighed, looking away as I brushed his hand from my cheek, "You shouldn't be saying this..."

"Why not?" He almost cried as he placed his hand right back on my cheek, "Sarelle I've never fallen out of love with you..."

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