Chapter 46

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7th July 2048

"Yes!" Edward replied through gritted teeth. "I choose Bella."

His words triggered a cacophony of chatter amongst the Volturi. Each preening with anticipation of what was to come next. I watched as Aro returned to his brothers, taking each of their hands as they looked on. The smirk on Caius' face made my skin crawl. I dreaded the thought of what he had planned.

I dropped my gaze as I tried to recollect my thoughts. It had hurt more than I thought to hear Edward choose Bella. Even if it was what I had wanted, what I had hoped he would do, there was still part of me that hoped he might have fought for me harder.

"Sarelle, please. I'm sorry. I..." his voice was just an echo amongst the din of the room.

"Don't." I bit through the words, all the while wishing I could tell him the truth. Don't worry, I love you. Don't look back, I forgive you. Don't fight for me, I can't lose you.

"Now it's time to take your leave," Aro said with authority, "let's hope we meet under better circumstances in future."

Bella turned for the door as soon as Aro spoke. For a second, I thought she would walk away without looking back but something made her stop. "Edward, come on. Think of Renesmee. She'll be worried about us. They all will be."

For all she had discovered here it couldn't stop her from protecting her family. Whatever was left of it.

Edward didn't move. He hadn't since he had chosen Bella. He just stood there, watching me. Daring me to meet his gaze. "Not yet, Bella."

"Edward? Please don't do this," she said as if offering him one last chance to show her all was not lost.

"I said not yet," he growled. I doubted his anger was directed at her, but instead at everything that had transpired here. But nonetheless his words robbed Bella of whatever hope and patience she had left.

The slam of the door behind her reverberated through the chamber, bringing silence in its wake.

"You only do more damage, Edward," Caius drawled with pleasure.

Edward's hand latched around my wrist, firm but gentle, "may we have a few moments?" he asked to the room.

"You may use the room over there." Aro replied with a bored sigh.

Our footsteps echoed across the stone floor. Edward wretched open the ornate wooden door, shutting us away from the watchful gaze of the Volturi guard. As soon as we were out of sight he wrapped me in his arms. Kisses rained upon my skin as hands wound into my hair.

"Don't do this," he urged as he held my face in his palms. His eyes, no longer a molten gold but instead the colour of toffee, burned with desolation. In that moment I knew plan C would be harder than I'd hoped.

"You promised me you'd never leave, remember? We promised each other forever."

"What else do you think can be done? Do you think they'll listen to reason? Be bribed to leave us be?" I steeled myself against what had to come next because it would be the hardest thing I'd ever have to do.

"What if they did Edward? What would that solve? You'd still be with Bella and we'd still be what we are. You won't give her up and you won't let me move on. So I'm solving the problem for you. I'm taking myself out of the equation. I'm no good for your life." I took a step towards him and he cowered back.

"You have to let me go." I pushed.

"No. I love you," The ardour in his voice was undeniable, and it hurt all the more. "You're everything to me, Sarelle. I need you." He rested his forehead against mine, his words fluttering against my skin. A small slice of heaven in my personal hell. My willpower almost broke, but I had to stay strong. To keep him safe I had to make him leave. Even if that meant hurting him in the process.

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