Chapter 47

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7th July 2048

"You wish is my command, master," she said, her tone seductive in its submission. My body lit with pleasure. It was like this for all my conquests, the thrill of watching them bend to my will would never wither. But with Miss St Clair there was more. Decades of waiting to be satisfied had amplifying the pleasure. Each meeting had teased me, titillated my desire, and it had made this victory all the sweeter.

The way her unusual eyes watched me made my palms itch. The flashes in Edward's mind had spurred on my hunger. I wanted to own her in every way. Dominate her mind and body, bending it under my will. Where Edward had tenderly caressed and coaxed, I wanted to pull her cries from her lips. I wanted to watch her come undone in my grasp. To see the change in her eyes as she leaves her old life behind.

Lost in the moment of my victory I reached to touch the supple skin on her cheek. The hum of energy below her surface was intoxicating in its power. And to think it was all mine. Forever.

The grinding of stone registered in my ears and almost in tandem Sarelle's eyes snapped open.

A flare of electricity crackled off her skin, the shock of it making my hand pull away.

I stood in horror as a look of euphoria flooded onto her face. Those unusual eyes that had drawn me in with their strange gold flecks and endless fire now stared cold and vicious. Darkness started to swallow the gold, sparks dancing in her irises. She was death incarnate and it was beautiful.

"Don't play games, Miss St Clair. I will not play as nicely as last time." I gasped, mesmerised as she stalked towards me. Those strange eyes watching me. "You agreed. You are mine."I hissed, trying fruitlessly to tame the force before me.

She was unlike anything I had ever seen. A force of nature. The ender of worlds.

"You have taken everything from me. My life, my parents, my hope. Now I'm going to take everything you've ever had, ever wanted, from you." Her fury sparked fear in me and for a moment I basked in the way my veins fizzed. The urge to run tensing my long-wasted muscles. Not since the Russian war had I feared for my life and the more time passed the more my existence had slipped into boredom. No thrill except for the thrill of outsmarting my opponent.

Chaos erupted around us. Sparks flew from her, striking out like lightning. I watched in wonder as the electricity licked the walls around us, leaving blackened scorch marks in their wake.

We stood here, locked in each other's regard, at the eye of the storm.

I saw Alec leap towards the vampire who held Aaron's severed head in his hands. He was fighting valiantly but he was no match for Alec's gift. I waited with anticipation as Alec's hands found their purchase against the man's neck. My thirst for violence was quenched in seconds but not by the screech of stone ripping from stone. Instead it was a crack, sharp and vicious as tendrils of electricity wrapped themselves around Alec's throat. They wove over him like an anaconda winding round its prey. A look of surprise lit his face before fear followed. Watching the life drain from his eyes seemed to take a lifetime, but it had taken less than a second.

Jane screeched in horror as she reached for her brother. The man's cries followed as she turned her rage on to him.

I should have been outraged at what Sarelle had taken from me, but as I tore my eyes from Alec's lifeless body and saw her before me, I felt the insatiable greed rear its head once again.

"We'll tame you and use that power for the greater good." As I saw the wild beauty of her in front of me, I almost hated the idea of her shackled. To never see her looking like this again. Still, the idea of the alternative was intoxicating. It would be like having a supernova, an atomic bomb, ready to detonate at your command.

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