Chapter 30

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A tension had descended over Colter Bay. Whether it was because the Denalis now knew of my relationship with Edward, or the fact the Cullens still didn't, or just because my jumps were more irratic than ever. I didn't know. All I did know was that I threw myself into anything that would allow me to avoid it. I forced myself to avoid Edward, and it physically hurt. I followed Carlisle's advice rigorously, despite the way his tests irritated my eyes like rubbing sand. I did whatever I could to relieve the thick tension that sat in the air like heavy humidity, but none of it worked.

Two weeks had passed, the spring holidays were almost over, and we were no clearer on why my jumps had suddenly taken on a mind of their own. I had engaged in any number of tests Carlisle had suggested. In the process I had broken a handful of expensive equipment through the EMP energy I involuntarily expelled. When the marvels of science couldn't diagnose me Carlisle turned to the supernatural, testing my gifts with the gifts of others. I'd withstood Kate's strongest electrical currents to see if the glitch was merely a build up of energy, and I'd battled with Emmett countless times (probably more than necessary) to test whether my survival instinct was the key. None of them gave a hint.

All was not lost, at least. I still had a modicum of control. Another test of Carlisle's showed that. I could still jump safely with another vampire. It was one of the tests I enjoyed most and I had no end of volunteers from the Cullens and Denalis. Many so curious to go back, to experience another time, all but Ren and Bella. Alice went to her childhood home, to hear the tinkling laughter of her young self as her mother danced with her around the living room. Emmett watched his human self chug a flagon of ale in the local inn while his sister watched wide eyed in awe and disbelief. Rosalie chose to see her younger brother's family at Christmas. Children she could never have sitting by the fire with rosy cheeks and wide blue eyes, just as hers had been. I took Carlisle back to our first human day together and we watched from a darkened alley as his human self pulled me out the way of whatever foul thing was being thrown out the window above. It was the beginning of us and now we both knew it. For each of them and the Denalis I stood a spectator, just a necessary vessel, as they indulged in something that was a once in a lifetime experience for most. Reliving memories or times through more than just memory.

But now it was Edward's choice and I too could share in it.

"Hold tight," I said as I grasped his hand in mine and grinned at the nervousness that flashed in his eyes. As our hands clasped together I felt the all too familiar hum of electricity surround us. Licking at my skin, but now it felt different. I felt the electricity run over my skin, reaching for the other person as it always did but then it seemed to amplify, flowing through us like one entity. As we jumped I didn't feel the pull that came when I pulled another through time with me. Instead it was like Edward was a part of me, his being didn't fight to stay where it belonged. It just seamlessly followed mine.

In a flash we were met by the rolling greenery and rippling lake of Chicago's prettiest park in springtime. All gusty and full of blooming life. We walked hand in hand, an oddity in the midst of what had once been so normal. He didn't ask it of me, but I couldn't help myself as I chose a day in particular. As we walked I pointed across the lake. Far enough that we wouldn't be noticed but close enough that we could see every detail, hear every word. There they stood, Mr and Mrs Masen following a scampering bronze- haired boy.

"You shouldn't cry, angels don't cry." The young voice said and I gripped Edward's hand in mine.

His eye's shone as he watched the exchange. This was us, the moment everything that has ever happened between us began. Just a boy meeting a girl, no clue what was to become of them later. What feelings would blossom like the rose buds around us.

"I have loved you for forever and I will love you for an eternity more." I whispered as the winds rushed around us.

"Forever and eternity," He murmured as his hand cupped my face. "My angel."

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