Chapter 28

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"Everyone is staring," Alfie mumbled with a gulp.

"Just ignore them." I whispered as I scanned the crowd, noting the exits just in case. "Would you like to dance?" I asked as I spun away from the gawping crowd and looked at the black haired boy towering above me. The momentary confidence he'd had out in the car park had faded and I could see his shoulders slowly starting to stoop as the staring continued.

"I can't dance to this," he said as a slow song gave a pleasant break to the usual synthesised pop music.

"I'll show you."

I gave him no time to argue as I stepped towards him and lightly placed his hand on my waist as I rested mine on his shoulder. He would notice my cold hands in his but I hoped that he would attribute it to the near freezing temperatures outside.

"Isn't this a bit old fashioned?" he said as he stood awkwardly. I bit my lip as I realised I'd shown too much yet again. I should have just looped my arms around his shoulders and swayed but I much preferred it this way. It felt comforting. I made to step away as I mumbled about old habits dying hard.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that. I like it." he said with a small smile as he grasped my hand a little tighter. I saw his brow crease slightly as he registered the cold of my skin but he didn't pull away and as we started to move I felt myself relax. I revelled in the warmth of his skin against mine. The way he moved so awkwardly that he could be nothing other than human. There was inhuman grace or fluidity. Every time he stood on my toes I smiled a little more because only he could do that. Edward never would. I liked that Alfie was so imperfect, so unsure. It was endearing.

We were silent for a few moments as he focussed on moving his feet in time with the music. I was glad he was able to find something else to focus on rather than the stares that still stayed glued to us.

"You look really beautiful by the way." He rasped as if his words got caught in his throat. "I know I kind of already said that but I just wanted to tell you again." He chuckled nervously and I smiled once again.

"And you look very handsome. In fact I think I might have to share you tonight given the way some of these girls are looking at you."

He blushed again, dropping his head so his shaggy hair tickled my forehead.

"Anyway..." he said brushing the compliment aside as if he couldn't accept it. "You always have that necklace on, does it mean something?" He asked looking at the locket nestled on my chest. I hadn't thought of a way to explain the locket so I paused momentarily when he brought it up. It had become such a part of me that I had never thought other people might wonder about it.

"It's a gift from my parents." I thought it best to stick as close to the truth as possible.

"Your mom and your step dad?" He said reminding me of the peculiar back story that had been concocted for me.

"No my birth parents. My mother and father. Just something to stop me missing them."

"And the rings?"

"They're wedding rings, before they were separated." Again, mostly true. He didn't need to know that I did the separating part.

"It must be hard, losing your family like that then moving over here." His green eyes bore into me but I was good at shutting down by now. I'd had enough practice doing it. Edward had made sure of that.

"This is home now, and it's not so bad. I have Aslo and Carlisle and his family."

"Aslo? Is he that guy who came with you to visit?"

"Yes, my step brother."

"He seemed pretty intense."

I grinned. What would Aslo have said if he were here. I could just imagine the way he would roll his eyes and sarcastically comment.

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