Chapter 20

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The jumps came fast and hard. I arrived in each place with a forceful pulse. It thumped me in the chest with a power that would wind any human. I hadn't done this in so long, it felt almost freeing. I watched as each memory played out in my head and delivered me to the exact same spot. Just a fleeting moment but it was like living my life all over again. I smelt the hot dusty aroma of De Soto, the sharp fresh breeze of Ashland, even the dirty scent of an alley in Florida. I knew when I finally settled my eyes would hold fragments that even humans would be able to see but I didn't care. I needed this. I needed to be reset, to clear my head. Only now, after reliving all that I'd done, did I know I'd lost myself these past few months. Maybe even since I was reborn. I let myself forget the most precious of lessons: don't waste time as you can never get it back. Ever since my awakening I'd mourned the loss of Edward so much so that I let it coat every one of my thoughts and feelings ever since. I'd searched for him and the Cullens. I'd strained mine and Aslo's relationship with constant comparisons between us and them. I hadn't been myself. But now I could remember what it felt like to be my human self. I was strong back then, optimistic, resilient. I had lived in the moment, taken what I wanted when I wanted. I never sat back and watched as opportunity got away. So why was I doing it now?

As soon as they had started the jumps stopped. I knew I wasn't back to where I should be but I needed some time to calm down, allow my body to relax and regenerate.

I took a deep breath as I surveyed the forest around me. I knew this place. It was the first place I had jumped to after I killed my parents. Forks. Not the meadow, but definitely the same forest. It had that sweet but wet scent that I'd learnt to associate with any forest the Cullens had once inhabited. They left their trails everywhere.

I ran my hands through my hair, pushing them through and shaking them out to relieve the last of the buzz. I passed them over my sides, smoothing the green wraparound top I was wearing.

Strangely it wasn't until I stepped to move that I smelt it but nonetheless it caught my attention instantly. Wolf. Or more to the point, wolves. I recognised the scent instantly. All too vividly it reminded me of Jacob. I couldn't help but remember the shifters I'd met in Indonesia. They were so similar to the wolves that lived in Forks but their shape was more fitting for their environment. I could still remember the feeling of awe that over took me when I saw their bright golden eyes staring out from the darkness. They blended so well, their midnight fur acting as the perfect camouflage. Even Aslo had been unable to keep a stern face as the panthers encircled us. It was an experience I would never forget.

As my mind travelled down memory lane I forced myself to focus on tracking the different scents. The pack was split. I couldn't decide if that made them more or less dangerous. I followed the small group, two at most. My speed increased the higher the trail went. I could smell the fresh scent of the mountains and the sunlight was becoming more frequent. It was cold, not that it registered much on my skin.

I took another deep breath and felt venom pool on my tongue at what it brought. Lust. Blood-pounding, pulse-racing, lust.

I swallowed deeply and tried to ignore the way the pheromones drew me but despite my best efforts there was something else in the scent that pulled me towards it. I knew it. I recognised the person it belonged to.

A careful breath in confirmed my instinct. Bella was here, with a wolf. Snap judgement led me out towards the cliffs and that's when I saw them. Wolf and his weak little girl. His arms clutched her to him as she clung to him, so human. So weak.

My veins fizzled as my eyes darkened. I knew this moment. Edward had talked of it. It was strange to actually see it. I wondered how he had coped. It made me angry so I could only imagine the hurt and turmoil he was going through.

Bella was oblivious, that much was clear. Her heavy breathing showed how much she wanted the wolf. Her moans urged him on. There was no part of her that wanted Edward here.

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