Chapter 15

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11th October 2047

Bella and Edward left for Forks within the hour, taking Ren and Jacob with them. Only Ren shed any tears. Bella hadn't showed any such emotion, not after her initial outburst. I could only imagine that the death of her father was something she had always been expecting. Perhaps she had been waiting for it to happen ever since she was changed. She wasn't like the other Cullens. She had crossed into the world of the supernatural by choice. She had planned it and prepared herself for the goodbyes she would have to make.

Thinking of Bella's father soon brought back the memories I had of her mother, and I couldn't help dwelling on the final few.

2nd May 2033 (The night after Dylan's wedding)

I lingered outside that little white house which I knew so well. It had been my place of sanctuary and peace when I was human. Every time I had jumped there it had taken me from my broken state and fixed me up until I was good as new. Now it held a very different feeling.

I could hear Renée pottering about in the kitchen, pans and cups clinking together as she moved while the steady noise of Phil's snoring sounded from their upstairs bedroom. It was strange not to hear a peep coming from Dylan's room, but of course he didn't live here anymore, he hadn't for years now.

I toyed with the silver ring on my finger as I debated what my next move would be. Renée had seen me at the wedding, I knew she had, but was that glance enough to show myself to her now? Plus how would Aslo feel when he found out that I had betrayed his trust. I had told him I was going for a run, some time to enjoy old memories before we moved on again. I knew he wouldn't have let me leave if he knew I was planning on revealing myself to Renee, a human. He didn't know her like I did. He didn't know that she wasn't like other humans, that she saw more than they did. She could be trusted, I knew that much, but I didn't know if our kind could be trusted.

I had already visited this place a few times before; watching Dylan grow up, move out, the family evolving. I had been lucky that other vampires hadn't caught on to my interest and sought out the source. It wasn't that they didn't inhabit this area, I knew of at least one coven who resided deep within the city and I also knew as pleasant as they were, I didn't want them coming anywhere near Renée and her family. Never would I allow such a thing.

As I pondered what to do I heard Renee's aged voice hum a familiar tune, Clair de Lune. In that instant I threw aside the worries of what Aslo would say, and what the consequences could be. The Volturi had no idea of my presence, or Renee's existence, so she would be safe from them and that meant it was safe for me to see her. Just once.

I snuck around the side of the house, following the tune of her voice and the sound of hands soaking in sudsy water.

As I approached the porch the security light switched on and I heard Renee's hands freeze, her heart picking up speed. I didn't want to scare her. That was the last thing I wanted, especially after what happened with Dylan on his 21st birthday.

I placed my hand on the door, resting my forehead against the wood as I inhaled the scent of her home, of comfort, of her. My throat smouldered but it didn't burn. Her fragrance wasn't one that made my mouth water. It was light and fresh, like the faint smell of freshly made lemonade.

Once I knew my control was solid I knocked twice. They were firm knocks that made sure to give her a little reassurance.

The door cracked open and I made sure to step back so I didn't seem too close. I knew humans could get skittish when we got too close.

"Renee." I queried as she peered out at me, her eyes scanning my figure and face.

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