The sea gate

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Nightmares happen so I'll put warnings like ⚠️⚠️ when it starts 🥺🥺 when it ends
——(Y/n) POV——
⚠️starting nightmare⚠️
I see my family being killed right in front of my eyes and I see blood everywhere, everything is red and I try to scream but blood comes out and I look down and see a pool of blood underneath me. I try to run but I slip and fall and I see my dead mom with her eyes open and she keeps screaming even though she's dead and my dad getting his body carried away and I get up and run but then a horde soldier grabs me by my neck and twists it

I wake to someone shaking me

"(Y/n) WAKE UP" Catra yells

"I'm up I'm up" I say

"Why were you crying?" Catra asks me

"N-Nothing it was nothing" I say

Catra looks me in the eyes

"It was just a nightmare" I say

"Nightmare?" Catra asks

"Yeah when you have a bad memory play in a different scarier setting" I say

"Whatever just get ready shadow weaver called me oh and put these on" Catra says

Catra throws some clothes at me

"What's this?" I ask

"You have to be in uniform or at least horde colours I'll be right back I'll get us some ration bars" Catra says

I take off my blue long sleeved shirt and put on this long sleeved white shirt with red sleeves with a horde symbol on the back and l take off my dark blue pants and I put on black pants and Catra comes back into the room

"Eat this" Catra says

She hands me a ration bar and I haven't had one of those in so long

"Haven't had one of these in a while" I say

"Well get used to it because that's what you'll be eating for a while" Catra says

I point to the hair brush on Catras drawer like asking if I can use it since my mouth is full and Catras nods

"You still brush your hair?" Catra asks

"Yeah" I say

"It takes me too long to do it so I just don't" Catra says

"That would explain the head gear thing"
I say

I brush my hair and Catra plays with it like she did when we were kids

"Catra stop I need to brush it" I say

"Fine but we have to go" Catra says

We head to shadow weavers black garnet room and I get nervous

"Come in with me and stay behind me" Catra says

I nod and follow her inside and I am so scared there was so many bad memories in there

We walk in and see shadow weaver standing at her magical reflecting pool

"Adora is in Seaworthy. I'm giving you one more chance to bring her back" Shadow weaver says

"Uh...didn't Hordak just order to you to stop going after Adora?" Catra questions shadow weaver

"And who is going to tell him? You? Or you're run away friend?" Shadow weaver says and points to me and Catra steps in front of me

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now