White Out part 1

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—(Y/n) POV—

Entrapta was explaining how there's first ones tech in the northern reach

"Ok pack your stuff we're going to the northern reach" Catra says

Catra throws some coat at me and I put it on

"Wow you wearing shoes how un-Catra of you" I jokingly say

"The northern reach is freezing I'm staying warm!" Catra says

"Ok ok ok" I say

"I hate being cold so you'll be by my side to keep me warm so don't you dare even think of moving an inch away from me" Catra says

I nod and smile and she sighs and pulls me into Entraptas room

"Success! In addition to uploading back-ups of my logs into Emily's hard drive, I've upgraded her to record visual data. Hiiii! Now when an experiment blows up and I lose all memory of that day, I'll still have record of the research" Entrapta says

"What?" I ask and Entrapta pulls us into her

"Everyone, smile!" Entrapta says and I smile but Catra pushes her away

"I told you to be ready to leave. Have you even started packing?" Catra yells

"I'm a scientist. The only thing I'll need in the Northern Reach is my mind! ...Also my giant drill. Also...everything in this room" Entrapta says

I giggle and Catra elbows me but since I'm wearing a coat it doesn't hurt

"Super Pal Quad field trip! Ah, I can't wait! We can watch the snow fall, drink hot cocoa" Scorpia says

I smile because maybe today will be fun

"Aww yeah" I say happily

"Oh, can the hot cocoa's be tiny?" Entrapta asks

"Tiny big small tall, all cocoa is amazing" I say happily

"We're there to dig up First Ones tech, we're not making cocoa" Catra says

"Cocoa keeps you warm Catra" I say

"Oh, that's my Wildcat, always on goal. What do you think is buried out there, anyway?" Scorpia asks

"More snow" I jokingly say

"Ohhh, something biiig!" Entrapta says excitedly

"How big?" I ask excitedly

Catra rolls her eyes but I don't stop smiling

"Who cares? Pack your stuff and let's go already" Catra orders and walks off

"Come on Catra don't be so bossy" I say jokingly

Catra glares at me and I shut up

We go to a ship and head to the northern reach and Catra is freezing

"You ok Catra?" I ask

"It's fucking freezing of course I'm not ok!" Catra yells

"Ok ok ok" I say nervously

I hum the song hiccup sang to me and Catra gets annoyed

"Stop humming that stupid thing I'll kill you the next time you do" Catra says

"O-O-Ok I'm s-s-sorry" I stutter

Catra wraps her tail around my thigh and pulls me closer to her and I hear cute purring

"You warm?" I ask

Catra scoffs and we arrive at the northern reach and Catra was right it was freezing

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now