Heart part 1

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—(Y/n) POV—

Hiccup got his chip removed

He was asleep in the bed

I lay down and cuddle into his side

He wakes up

"(Y/n)?" Hiccup asks

"Hiccup" I say

I hug him and he hugs back

"I've missed you so so much" I say

"Me to (Y/n). I love you" Hiccup says

"I love you to bro" I say

We hug each other and we don't stop

"Catra and I...we kissed" I say

"Holy shit—nice going (Y/n)...so where's your new girlfriend?" Hiccup asks

I explain everything that happened the best way I can

"Oh, (Y/n) I'm so so sorry" Hiccup says

"Hey (Y/n) we're going to the heart. You wanna come?" Adora as She-Ra says

"I told you no. This is Hiccup by the way" I say

Hiccup waves and She-ra pulls me up by the arm and hugs me tightly

"Ow" I say

She-ra loosens her grip and I hug back

"Goodbye Adora" I say

She-ra lets go and smiles at me and then walks off

"Uhhhh" Hiccup says

"Long story" I say

"Hey, I remember you saying that you were in a pool of your own blood. What was that all about?" Hiccup asks

"My period" I jokingly say and Hiccup laughs

(Sorry for all the males reading this •-•)

"I'll explain one day but right now I just wanna hug" I say

Hiccup pulls out the backpack he was carrying

"What's in there?" I ask

"Shirts, you need a new one" Hiccup says

"And you can't wear my shirt because there is a child in here" I say

(Hiccup is wearing a shirt that says "don't slam the fucking door" that (Y/n) made)

We go some where private and I take off my shirt because I'm comfortable changing around Hiccup

(There is a bra don't worry)

"Hey Hiccup can you pass me the shirt" I say

Hiccup turns around and he's horrified by all the cuts

"I know I'm really—" I say

"You got even smaller wow" Hiccup says

He knows when I don't want to talk about something

I get on the new shirt and it smells so good

Hiccup puts on some other green shirt and we walk back out

We get on the bed and cuddle

I fall asleep and I'm glad I'm able to have a sleepover with Hiccup again

—3rd Person POV—

Catra was running through the forest with Melog and kept thinking of (Y/n) and Adora

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now