System Failure

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——(Y/n) POV——

I wake up to purring and I see Catra isn't at my feet anymore she's sleeping right beside me with her right hand on my shoulder and her tail wrapped around my leg and I realize I didn't have any nightmares last night. I decide not to move and fall back asleep until Catra wakes up

"(Y/n) wake up" Catra says

I wake up and see that Catra is still beside me with her tail wrapped around my leg

"I'm up I up" I say

"Good, you have to wake up earlier" Catra says

"Why did you sleep beside me?" I ask

"I was cold and you had the blankets" Catra says

"Oh ok, you can sleep beside me I don't mind, it reminds me of when we were kids and we slept on your top bunk" I say

"Haha yes I remember" Catra says

Her tail slowly unwraps from my leg and then she hit my head with it

"Agh" I say

"Shorty" Catra says

"Kit Kat" I say because I know she hates that name

"Ugh I hate that name" Catra says

"I know I know" I say

"Lets get some food" Catra says

"Yeah" I say

We both leave the room and Catra keeps me close like barley even a inch away from her and I try to move to the side to make space

"Stay close to me" Catra orders

"W-Why?" I ask

"Uh because shadow weaver could come and take you away if she sees you away from me" Catra says

"Oh yeah right sorry" I say

Catra hits me with her tail and she gets us ration bars and we go to the roof area and talk

"Did you skip training like you said you would?" I ask

"Yeah and shadow weaver got so mad and it was really funny" Catra said

"Wow I hate her so much" I say

"Yeah, she is such a bitch" Catra says

"Oh I know right and she doesn't even have real powers" I say

"Yeah yeah she gets them from hordak and everyone knows it" Catra says

"She nearly caught me when I tried to escape but she ran out of her powers" I laugh

I remember me leaving is a sore subject for Catra and I immediately stop laughing

"Why did you leave?" Catra asks

"I just never fit in" I lie

"You did with me and Adora" Catra says

"I guess" I say

I look at Catra who is looking forward

"I missed you" I say

"I didn't miss you shorty" Catra says

"I know Kit Kat" I say

Catra punches my arm

"Ow haha" I say

"That's why I didn't miss you" Catra says

We sit in silence for a while

"Where did you go?" Catra asks

"A village called Berk" I say

"Why are you back then?" Catra asks me

"Because it was attacked and everyone was taken back here" I say

Catra scoffs and moves closer to me

"Whatever shorty you're back now and you're not leaving" Catra says

"O-O-Ok" I stutter hard

"Stop stuttering" Catra says

"I think Adora's hair poof distracts people from her giant forehead" I jokingly say

Catra laughs and puts her hands on my head

"It's so big and the poof is so dumb" Catra says

We laugh and we head back inside to the locker room

"Hey Kyle" I say

Kyle is alone in the locker room

"Hey (Y/n)" Kyle says and comes up to me and hugs me

"So (Y/n) can we catch up some time?" Kyle asks and we both pull away

"Sure we ca-" I'm cut off my Catra pushing me away from Kyle

"Kyle leave her alone and go do something else" Catra says

"Yes force captain Catra" Kyle says and walks off

"What was that for? me and Kyle are friends" I say

"Kyle is no ones friend" Catra says

"But he was my friends before I-" I say but I decide to stop talking

Lonnie walks in and glares at Catra

"Shouldn't (Y/n) be doing training or something since she's a cadet" Lonnie says

Catra walks over to Lonnie and glares at her

"She will do what I say since she is my assignment and I say what she does" Catra says angrily and glares at Lonnie

"She left you first aren't you gonna like punish her or something before shadow weaver does?" Lonnie says

"I'll do whatever I want to her" Catra says

Lonnie walks away and Catra drags me through the halls of the fright zone

"Catra I-" I try to say

"Shut up (Y/n)" Catra says

She drags me to some high up place and dangles me over the edge

"C-C-Catra what are you doing?" I ask nervously

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't drop you and be done with you for good" Catra says

"Because shadow weaver will kill you, I know and you know what she is capable of" I say nervously

Catra glares at me and then puts me back on the ground

"T-Thank you" I say

"Stop stuttering and stop trying to escape" Catra says

"I wasn't trying to escape" I say

"Yeah and you're not going to unless you want to be tortured by shadow weaver" Catra says

I nod and Catra drags me around the fright zone talking to people while I try to find a way where I can find my parents and escape this horrible fucking place

——time skip night fall——

We walk into Catras room or our room I guess and Catra drags me in bed and we sleep side by side sharing a blanket and Catra has her tail wrapped tightly around my right leg

I need my family I need to get away but I can't hurt Catra again
A/n: short chapter. Should I do chapters where it's in between episodes and chapters with episodes or should I just do chapters with episodes with extra stuff

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now