Beast Island

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—(Y/n) POV—

Adora has gone to Beast Island with bow and I'm scared

Every day I think Catra will find me and drag me back

I try to fall asleep but the nightmares keep happening and they keep me awake

Perfuma walks in and sits on the other side of the circle thing and I sit down to

"Hey perfuma" I say

"Would you like to try some guided meditation to make you less scared of Catra?" Perfuma asks

"Uhhh sure" I say

We do some weird meditation stuff and then Perfuma starts talking about Catra

"Think of Catra, think of her" Perfuma says

I close my eyes and I think of us as kids and how much fun she was, but then I think of when I was taken back

"Tell me what you're thinking of" Perfuma says

"Uhhh....when me and Catra were 6 we were running around and playing tag with Adora" I say

(Ok I have no idea what I'm writing)

"Continue" Perfuma says

"When I was taken back Catra slammed me against the lockers and she slammed me against walls like a lot" I say

"Take a deep breath in and repeat after me...Catra can't hurt me anymore" Perfuma says

"C-Catra c-can't h-hurt——agh I can't" I say

I open my eyes and bring my knees to my chest

"What if she finds me here? What if Glimmer sends me back to the Fright Zone again? Catra will eventually find me and what happens if Adora isn't there to protect me?" I ask nervously

"Take deep breaths (Y/n)" Perfuma says

I take a deep breaths and I feel slightly less sacred

"Good now keep thinking of good memories with Catra and tell them to me" Perfuma says

I close my eyes and take a deep breath

"My first night at the Horde, Catra let me sleep in her bed and we stayed up all night whispering" I say

"Keep going" Perfuma says

"Catra Adora and I would sometimes stay up all night whispering about....stuff" I say

I felt blood to my cheeks and I smirked at the memory

(I really wanna know what Catra and Adora were whispering about)

"If you're ready, could you remember the bad memories" Perfuma says

Honestly I don't want to but I want to sleep and not have nightmares

"Ok" I say

I take a deep breath and close my eyes

"When we went to princesses prom and Catra made me to plant heat bombs and I threw them in the trash because I didn't want to and I felt so much guilt about the whole thing and everything after" I say

"You feel guilty about being involved" Perfuma says

"Yes! The whole thing gave me even more nightmares and then we followed Adora into some weird place and Adora fell off the edge and was holding on and I tried to help her but Catra scratched me and then I passed out from blood loss-" I say

"Remember (Y/n) take deep breaths" Perfuma says

I take more deep breaths and I continue

"Then the battle of Bright Moon and then the forest and then when Glimmer and Bow held Catra and I hostage, Catra made them think that Entrapta was being tortured and Catra was being so mean to Glimmer and Bow" I say

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin