White out part 2

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We see a giant monster and I go back inside and Scorpia grabs Adora and throws her inside and I try to catch her but I duck instead and Scorpia closes the door

"Change of plans, how about we stay inside?" Scorpia says

"Sounds good to me" I say

"Yay, it's a girl's night in!" Adora says and crashes into my arms and I fall on the ground with Adora on top of me

"Adora you're crushing me" I say

Scorpia gets Adora off of me and sits her up and I hold her so she doesn't move

"I'll stay by the door" Scorpia says

"You're really small" Adora says

"Yeah I know" I say

"So small I could just hug you" Adora says

"Uhhh" I say

Adora wraps her arms around my waist

"Your hair is long" I say

Adora rests her head on my head and laughs

"I missed you" I whisper

"I did to" Adora says and laughs

I wrap my arms around her waist and and cuddle slightly into her side

"Mmmm this is nice" Adora says

I enjoy her warmth and I also enjoy having a friend that doesn't have razor blades for hands

"I like your smell" Adora says

"Uhhh thanks" I say

Adora holds me tighter and I enjoy it because I miss her and I love hugs
(I actually hate them)

"Hugging is fun" Adora says

"Yep" I say and rest my head on her shoulder

Scorpia keeps looking outside and Adora is slightly sleeping

"Can't believe I'm stuck in a closet here with Adora. I should be by Catra's side, protecting her. Why can't Adora just stay out of our way?" Scorpia says

"Catra can protect herself" I mumble and Adora holds me tighter

A man walks in wearing goggles

"Catra?" Scorpia asks

The man takes off his goggles and it's the adventure moustache guy

"Inspector Pirate?" Scorpia asks

Adora moves her hand and waves and then moves it back to my waist

"Adora! I'm here to rescue you" moustache dude says

"Uh...more like I'm here to rescue you" Adora says and holds me tighter and puts her head on my head

"That doesn't make any sense. Is she all right?" Moustache dude asks

"I don't know, but she is getting on my last nerve, and she is not going anywhere" Scorpia says

"We'll see about that! En garde!" Moustache dude says

Moustache dude grabs Adora and pulls her up and I grab her arm and try to hold her back and Scorpia helps

"Aw...you guys are my best friends!" Adora says and touches my face

"Yeah I know" I say

I let go and Scorpia grabs her arm

"Hand. Her. Over!" Moustache dude says

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now