The beacon

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——(Y/n) POV——

I wake up in Catras room on her bed while Catra is no where to be found

"Catra?" I ask into thin air

Catra walks in the room and pulls me up

"(Y/n) oh good you're ok, hordak is pissed off and shadow weaver is gonna get yelled at" Catra says

"What I'm so confused what happened?" I ask

"You passed out, so I put you in bed" Catra says

"Oh thanks, how long has it been?" I ask

"A few hours, Hordak called us to see why shadow weavers plan failed" Catra says

"Oh ok" I say

"I'm going to show you how to use the staff" Catra says

"The staff?" I ask

Catra flicks me with her tail

"The thing I gave you that you used to hit shadow weaver" Catra says

"Oh the metal thing" I say

I take it out and Catra grabs it

"Ok shorty" Catra says

Catra extends the metal thing and it's taller than me

"Oh wow it's taller then me" I say

"You're so short" Catra laughs

"I know I know" I laugh

Catra hands it to me and walks behind me grabbing my arms and showing me how to use it

"Short you need to aim for the head or the neck" Catra says

Catra continues to show me how to use the metal stick I mean staff and then we're called to see Hordak and I get nervous

"Stay behind me and don't say a word or laugh" Catra says

We leave her room and head to Hordak's  sanctum and we Scorpia joins us

"What do you think he'll say?" Scorpia asks

"I don't know" Catra says

"I've never seen Hordak in person" I say

We head inside and a few other people are there. Shadow weaver is in front of us and we stay a few feet behind her and I stay close to Catra. Hordak begins to talk

"Not only did you lose the princess known as Glimmer, but I learned that Adora was She-ra all along" hordak says

I see Catra smile from pure happiness that shadow weaver is finally getting her own medicine and getting blamed and I guess that made me smile faintly

"Now you see why it was so important to bring her back!" Shadow weaver says trying to convince hordak she did the right thing

""All you did was invite attack from an enemy combatant with detailed knowledge of our operations!" Hordak says

He walks around where we can't see him but we can hear him and shadow weaver looks around trying to see him and Catra laughs without making a noise which makes me smile

"If I had known, I never would have agreed to your foolish plan" hordak says finally coming into light with his red eyes glaring at shadow weaver

"Yeah bad plan" Catra whispers

"Wasn't it your pla—" Scorpia says but is cut off by Catra elbowing her

Good thing shadow weaver took the plan and said it was her own and now she's taking the blame

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now