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—(Y/n) POV—

It's been a 6 months since the war ended and we were packing up to leave for the space adventure

I still haven't forgiven Catra for what she did to me and I want to forgive her but I can't

Every time I have a nightmare about her I wake up and I leave Adoras room and go to sleep in my room

Adora wants me to forgive Catra but I can't

It feels like there's this weight on my shoulders that I can't get rid of

It's hard

(Thats what she—)

—3rd person POV—

(Y/n) had just left the room to go to Berk

Catra was angry at her and was growling

"Why can't (Y/n) just forgive me?" Catra asks

"But she spends every morning cuddling you when I leave the bed. She's seems less scared of you now" Adora says

"(Y/n) won't be alone in a room with me! She flinches whenever I get mad or use my claws! I know she's still scared of me!" Catra says angrily

"Can you blame her? You spent 3 years yelling at her and hurting her. Last time when you were alone in a room together you....really hurt her. I'm surprised she even hugs you" Adora says

"Why can't she just trust me?!!??" Catra asks angrily

"Give her time" Adora says

"What if she never forgives me?!?" Catra says

"Just give her time to think and one day she might" Adora says

"What if....she doesn't love me? I mean I did horrible things to her and what if she's only being nice to me because she's scared of you?!" Catra says

Adora puts her hands on Catras shoulders

"Hey! She does love you! You were her first kiss! And she's not scared of me" Adora says

"Well she's scared of me!" Catra says

(Y/n) was secretly listening outside the door because she heard Catra get mad the second she left

(Y/n) was still scared of Catra and she couldn't deny it but (Y/n) does love her

—(Y/n) POV—

I just heard everything they said and I'm surprised Catra is angry at me for not forgiving her yet

I'm going to!

Just not now

Ugh it's complicated

I get on the skiff and head to Berk

I was thinking of what Catra said

I arrived at Berk and immediately hugged Hiccup

I told Hiccup everything and he said I should try

So we practiced in my room after an hour of goofing off

"Ok pretend I'm Catra" Hiccup says

"Ok" I say

I take a deep breath in and I close my eyes

"So Catra..." I say nervously

"Yes..." Hiccup says in a Catra impression and I try not to laugh

"I...everything....things happened...I uh...." I say

"Go on (Y/n) say it, I won't bite" Hiccup says

"Ironically Catra has bitten people but not me...anyways..." I say

I can't speak and I'm scared

"The cuts on my skin...they're almost gone...and Uh...I for-forgive you" I say

Hiccup hugs me and I hug back

"Now all you have to do is be in a room with her and Adora and say that with less stutters" Hiccup says

—time skip 4 days—

I returned home and Catra and Adora hug me and smother me in kisses and they know I can't push them off

Adora starts to leave the room and Catra is still hugging me

I try to squirm out of Catras grip but she just holds tighter

"Adora! Catra is being clingy again" I say

"You two stay here...I'll be back" Adora says and leaves the room

I'm left alone in a room with Catra...fuck

"I'm gonna go say hi to Glimmer and Bow" I say

"Why? Just stay here with me" Catra says

"Uhhhh I really should go see them" I say

Catra stops hugging me and puts her hands on my shoulders

"(Y/n) you know how incredibly sorry I am...right?" Catra asks

"I know and I..." I say

"I know you're still scared of me" Catra says

I nod because I can't deny it

"Catra...about everything that happened and everything you..." I say

I rub my arm where there's lots of cuts

"I uh...I uh..." I try to say

I get flashbacks of Catra hurting me and a voice screams in my head and it keeps screaming "You're not leaving me" over and over again

I look at Catra and I try to smile but I can't

"I want to forgive you but it's hard and I don't know how" I say

"I hurt you so fucking badly and you don't have to" Catra says

"I remember reading a book called 13 reasons why and it had 4 books, 2 good books and 2 unnecessary books, anyways one of the characters said You can forgive people. Even the people who hurt you worst. When you forgive someone, it's more for you than them" I say

Catra hugs me and I hug back and I pull away and look into her eyes

"Catra even after everything you did to me and everything that happened...I forgive you" I say

"Thank you" Catra says

Catra hugs me tightly and I kiss her and she kisses back

It feels great because that weight on my shoulder is gone

A/n: this is the second last chapter
Also this book does not deserve the views and votes and why does it have 2K comments?

———————————————————A/n: this is the second last chapter Also this book does not deserve the views and votes and why does it have 2K comments?

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You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now