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—(Y/n) POV—

Catra and I get on a ship and Scorpia joins us and we're put in a room with a few seats and Catra pulls me down to sit next to her and I realize I should have left when I had the chance

"I hate my fucking life" Catra says

"Fucking same" I say

Catra elbows me hard and I yelp slightly

"Ugh I can't fucking believe this" Catra says

I listen to her rant and I feel like death

"Hey I know what will lighten the mood. Let's say what our favourite memory is" Scorpia says

Catra groans and I smile

"My favourite memory was when we all went on that boat" Scorpia says

Catra groans even louder

"My favourite memory was actually my senior prom" I say

(I've never actually been to prom because I'm not a senior yet but I've been to high school dances)

"Oooo really!? Was it fun?" Scorpia asks

"Fuck yeah it was fun. Me and my friends danced around like fucking dorks and I loved it" I say

"Did you have a lot of friends (Y/n)?" Scorpia asks

"Yeah, Hiccup, Coco, Lucy, Hossain, Dipper, Mabel and Lucas" I say

Catra groans and I can see her about to put her arm around me but she pulls her arm away for some reason

(Jealous Catra 🥺)

(Would be cute if you weren't held hostage and If Catra wasn't a yandere)

"What did you do during the slow dance?" Scorpia asks

"We left the room and went to another room and talked and laughed and joked around like the teenagers we were and after that song was done, we went back in and danced like crazy until 1 in the morning, it was truly amazing" I say happily

"(Y/n) just shut the fuck up" Catra says angrily

"O-Ok I-I'm s-sorry" I stutter

"Catra, (Y/n) was just talking to me about-" Scorpia says

"I don't care! We're literally getting sent to die! I. Don't. Fucking. Care!" Catra yells and I flinch

We sit in silence for what seemed like hours and I wanted to get away from Catra but I was too scared she was going to use her claws on me

Scorpia sits across the ship room from us and I gain the courage and walk over to her and talk and Catra doesn't even growl and I think she's too much into her own head to care at this point

"So at senior prom we danced around for like six hours and I collapsed in my bed and slept for like 13 hours" I say and I laugh

"Wow that must have been fun" Scorpia says

"It was so so much fun" I say

I feel the note in my pocket along with the picture of my friend and I feel sad but I ignore it and continue talking

"So who did you go with to prom?" Scorpia asks

"Just a group of friends" I say

"Awww" Scorpia says

I look over at Catra who looks mad and is looking at the ground

Scorpia and I continue to talk about random things like favourite foods and our friends and we talk really quietly so Catra doesn't get mad

"In my class we were going to have a giant graduation party that would last all night and all the way to the morning" I say

"What's graduation?" Scorpia asks

"When you leave a school with education" I say

"So did you guys graduation from this thing called "school"?" Scorpia asks

"Its graduate and we were supposed to but then the Horde attacked and we couldn't and I was going to be valedictorian because for some reason everyone voted for me to be the valedictorian" I say

"Oh. What's a valedictorian?" Scorpia asks

"Someone who says a speech at the graduation about something like the future or hope or something" I say

"Ohhh what was your speech about?" Scorpia asks

"The only reason I'm glad the horde attacked is because I didn't write it yet" I say and then I laugh

(I'm not a senior yet not until September and I have no idea what I'm writing oops)

"How much fucking longer?" Catra asks

"Uhh maybe another 30 minutes" Scorpia says

I feel happy when I talk to Scorpia because she always smiles when I talk to her and I feel immense fear when I talk to Catra because when I talk there's always fear that Catra might hurt me

(Plot twist 2 this is a Scorpia x reader fic)

We arrive in the crimson waste and Catra  grabs a blanket and we get pushed off the ship and Catra grabs my arm and drags me along and it's hot here but I enjoy it because the fright zone is freezing

"Come on (Y/n) I don't want to be stuck with Scorpia" Catra says

"Catra-" I say surprised

"Just shut the fuck up (Y/n)" Catra says

"Scorpia is so nice I don't know why you have to be so fucking mean" I say

Catra hisses at me and I though she would do something worse but I guess being here she doesn't feel like hurting me badly anymore

"I told you to shut the fuck up (Y/n)!" Catra says angrily

Catra glares at me and I would be scared but I don't think she cares enough anymore to hurt me so I just glare back at her

"You're fucking short and small you can't fucking do anything!" Catra says

"Fuck you" I say and I immediately regret it

"Wow actually standing up to me. I didn't think you had the guts. Come on let's go" Catra says

Catra grabs my arm and drags me along and I was so confused

Back at the fright zone if anyone even dared to question or defies Catras orders they'd be given a permant scar

But I said "fuck you" to her and I had no idea where that came form and if I did that in the fright zone, Catra would have definitely killed me

I guess being sent to die she just doesn't care anymore about "underlings" like me standing up to her

I look up at Catra who is extremely angry and I yank my arm from grip and she doesn't even care

I'm literally doing everything Catra hates except trying to escape because I have no idea where I am and I should stay with Catra

This will be an interesting death sentence

A/n: yeah short chapter but the next ones will be longer and the next chapter is 3798 words long. Infinity train is getting a season/book 3 and amphibia is having a gravity falls themed episode and I'm so happy :D

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now