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—(Y/n) POV—

Adora is ok and she didn't talk about what happened and she was most upset that I didn't sleep next to her

But Adora has been fighting for days and refuses to sleep and she finally passed out and Scorpia carried her into her bed

We were outside and some weird giant hologram comes on

"Rejoice, Etheria, for Prime has come to you. Do not fear, for you have been given the opportunity to share in a world soon to be remade in my image. But first, you must prove yourselves worthy. Your leader, your...She-Ra, she would see you suffer in darkness for her sake. Cast aside this false hero and deliver her to me. Prime sees all. Prime knows all. They will not escape my judgements" Prime says

'Oh fuck'

Bow and I were making tea and getting food for Adora and we head over to her tent

"Hey, sleepyhead, you hungry?" Bow asks

Adora is on the ground and Bow screams and drops the food

'Dammit Bow'

"What happened? Are you okay?" Bow asks

"I gotta Glimmer. My body is betraying me" Adora says

Adora attempts to get up but she falls back down

"Come on Adora you need rest" I say

"No, you're exhausted. That happens to regular people when they keep throwing themselves into battle and refusing to sleep" Bow says

"You need rest Adora" I say

"I hate it" Adora says

Bow and I help Adora back onto the bed and she lays down

"Come on, you just need to rest" Bow says

'Why do you insist on being so so stubborn'

"Now, close your eyes and—" Bow says

"IS SHE DEAD?!" Frosta asks

"What? No!" Bow says

"Ok, good, cause Adora normally does the planning and we were wondering if there was a plan—" Frosta says

"Listen, the upgrades to Mara's ship are done, but we can't go anywhere until Adora's back on her feet. Now, close your eyes and everyone will—" Bow says

Unfortunately the annoying horse comes in

"Did someone say Swift—" the annoying horse says

"Fu-go away swift wind" I say remembering there's a kid in here

(Would have put "fuck off swift wind")

"Is Adora feeling better? Did you tell her Horde Prime's message? Does she know he's looking for her?" Micah who just walked in says

"Micah, dude!" I say

"Whazzat?" Adora says

"Okay, that's enough. Adora, rest! Swift Wind, head! Everybody, shh!!" Bow says annoyed

"She will be fine soon, right? Frosta asks

"Yes she will" I say

"Yes. She just needs sleep" Bow says

Everyone except me and Bow leave and Adora is finally sleeping

"Adora sick log, day three!" Entrapta who came out of no where says

"Nope!" Bow says and throws Entrapta out

(Bow yeeted her)

"I need (Y/n)" Adora says half asleep

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