No princess left behind

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We arrive at the fright zone and I regret ever coming, I should have left again now people got hurt because of me.

We arrive back in the vehicle room and some people come and take sparkles and arrow boys bodies somewhere and Catra holds some sword

"Too easy" Catra says

"Why the sword?" I ask

Catra flicks me with her tail

"It's she-ra's sword without it Adora can't turn into she-ra" Catra says

"Ohhhhh" I say

"Let's go tell shadow weaver" Catra says

Catra drags me to shadow weavers black garnet room and drags me inside and starts bragging

"Check this thing out. You've got to admit, Shadow Weaver, in a single mission, I inflicted more damage on the Rebellion than anyone else. I succeeded where even you failed" Catra brags and throws the sword around causing me to flinch and back away

Shadow weaver had her hands on some red thing and wasn't facing Catra

"Shadow Weaver" hordak says and a tv thing goes on

Catra gets excited and shadow weaver pushes her away and I hide behind Catra

"My Lord" shadow weaver says

"I commend you on the capture of the Princess of Bright Moon. Queen Angella has been given until the mornings moonrise to surrender herself to our forces" hordak says

"Thank you, Lord Hordak. I thought you would be please with my work" shadow weaver says

I see Catra face is filled with shock

"You have proven your worth to me. Today" hordak says

The tv thing goes off and I see Catra get mad

"Your worth? I'm the one who brought back the Princess of Bright Moon. Not you" Catra says

"You're under my command, Force Captain. Therefore anything you manage to do right is credited to me" shadow weaver says

As much as I hated this plan and hate this place, what shadow weaver did was just unfair, Catra did real damage while this bitch looked at some stone

"So, I do all the work and you get the glory?" Catra says annoyed

"Sometimes that just the way of things" shadow weaver says and takes the sword

"Come on (Y/n) lets go" Catra says and drags me out of the room

I see sparkles in some electric cage thing before the door closes

"Ugh shadow weaver is such a fucking bitch" Catra says and slams her fist into a wall

"I know right" I say

"Ugh all shadow weaver cares about is impressing hordak" Catra says

"Aren't you trying to impress him to?" I ask

"No I'm trying to make the rebellion fall while shadow weaver takes all the credit" Catra says angrily

"Catra, if this plan falls apart some how, shadow weaver will also take the blame" I say trying to lighten the mood

"It won't fall apart" Catra says

"Do you think Adora is actually coming?"
I ask

"She'll come" Catra says

We walk around the fright zone for a while and we run into Scorpia

"Hey guys, Catra that was an amazing plan, shadow weaver must be so impressed" Scorpia says

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now