An ill wind

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—(Y/n) POV—

Glimmer grabs us all and teleports us out of the ship

Catra and I fall to our knees because we're not used to it

"Wooo I missed this" Glimmer says

I get back up and stumble a bit

"Really? Because I could stand to never do it again" Catra says

"Same here" I say while holding onto my side

I help Catra get up and she still holds her side

"That fucking hurt" I say

"You can survive me beating the shit out of you, but not teleportation?" Catra jokingly asks

"You can't either" I say

I'm glad we're able to joke about her beating me

"Hey I think you guys should take a look at this" Adora says and goes into the hideout

Catra holds onto my shoulder and we all walk in and it's destroyed

"Woah" I say

"No...where is everyone?" Glimmer asks

"There was a fight" Adora says

"Really?" I sarcastically ask but I'm far from Adora so she doesn't hear me and I hear Catra quietly snicker

"Makes sense, Perfuma said the rebellion was compromised, if someone in camp got chipped and went after the rest it would have been chaos" Entrapta says

"Adora what if there's no one left?" Bow asks

"We don't know that they might have just moved camp, wherever they are we need to find them" Adora says

"Maybe they went back to Bright Moon it maybe my dad took them to hide out in Mystacor" Glimmer says

"We can't just drapes into your old hangouts and and play nice with your pals. We don't know who's chipped" Catra says

"Wow you don't trust the princesses I am shocked" Glimmer says sarcastically and smile behind my hand

"Really? It seems very in character for her" Entrapta says

"Catras right we should gather intel first so we don't fall into a trap" Adora says

"Erelandia is the closest village to camp, maybe someone there knows what happened" Bow says

"On it!" Glimmer says

Glimmer grabs us all and I hold onto Catras waist and she holds onto my shoulders

Catra and I both fall again

"How about a warning next time" Catra says

"Sorry, welcome to.... Erelandia" Glimmer says

Erelandia is guarded by clones and Adora helps me and Catra up

Adora gets us some hooded clothes and I notice on the wall there's a poster that says "This man is not allowed in there. Name: Dwight Scrute"

'Oh my god Dwight actually came here'

We put on the bags and Catras ears are poking out and it's cute but I know better than to laugh because uhh well I don't I uh

"The towns people might be able to tell us what happened to the rebellion, we need to keep a low profile, we should be able to avoid detection if we stick with Wrong Hordak, lets go" Adora says

"As long as your name isn't Dwight Schrute and you don't have blonde hair you should be good" I say and point to the sign

"Huh wonder what happened?" Entrapta ask asks

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now