Chapter 23 ~ "I do miss him"

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"I thought you were going to kill them!" I laugh as we walk out the main doors of the school. "They weren't doing anything, they were just talking." 

"Sasha, they weren't just being friendly." He whines and I laugh. "They think you're hot."

"So what's the difference between them and you, hmm?" I tease and he rolls his eyes. 

"The difference is I've known you my whole life." He huffs and I laugh finding it so endearing that he got all protective about it.

"Exactly, why do you think I shut them down?" I remind him. "You're the only guy I want to spend any one-on-one time with. But what's the harm in branching out a bit and meeting new people, especially if you're there. You know these people don't you?" I ask and he sighs with a small nod. "And are they sleazy, bad people?"

"Well, no." He admits and I smile.

"Nathan, we sleep in the same bed at night." I tell him quietly and he nods. "Some would say we spend too much one-on-one time together." He laughs a bit at that and throws his arm over my shoulders leading me to his car. 

"I know." He mumbles quietly. "I'm just glad you feel the same way about me that I do about you. I just don't want to lose you, or watch other guys move in." 

My heart almost can't take what he's saying. We climb into the car and I sigh reaching across to put my hand on his leg. Poor Nate, deep down he wasn't any tougher than Jell-o. Soft and sensitive, just like he always was.

"Nathan, if I'm not ready to be with you than what on earth makes you think I'd be ready for someone else." I ask quietly. "You know how I feel about you, I just want to know what it's like to have a normal night out. Why do you think I kept pushing that we all go together?" He smiles a bit and nods grabbing my hand.

"But you need to be forgiving about all of this. I don't know the rules of friendship or what is socially acceptable in everyone else's eyes. All I know is what I think, and I want you to know that anything that you might interpret as something else.....don't." I tell him and he laughs. "There's no chance in the world that I'd pick somebody else over you."

"Okay." He sighs. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." I whisper quietly. "There's nothing to be sorry for."

Soon enough we're driving back to his house but when we pull into the driveway, he stops and turns to me.

"So I had an idea." He says quietly. "You don't have to say yes or anything but.....if your brother asks me about you tonight, how would you feel about having him come over for a while?" 

I feel a bit shocked by that, wondering how he could even be thinking of that when there was so much going on with him.

"I don't know....." I say not knowing if I was really ready to put myself back into the middle of everything I hated thinking about.

"I just think he'd like to see you, and it would give you an idea of what's going on. I know how much you love your brothers and I know Nik's.....really angry about me and you, so I just figured you might like to see him for a while.

I did really miss Alex, I missed Nik too truth be told but I wanted to meet with him in the outside world so he couldn't pummel Nate before I got a chance to explain myself. 

"Okay." I say quietly with a nod. "I do miss him, and I intentionally tried to stay away from him at school today."

"Alright, but only if he asks me alright? I won't force him to come over." I nod with a small smile happy Nate had come up with something fair to help me start to make my way back into my family.

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