Chapter 46 ~ "There's never enough dill"

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"Happy Thursday." I hear and feel small arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and see Sasha standing behind me and I take her hands, leading her out of the school.

I love Thursdays, I think they might be my new favourite day of the week. Everything these past few days had felt different than it did last week. We were spending the same amount of time together, but it didn't feel as depressing as it did. I figure we're both just adjusting to spending less time together, but we're also learning how to make our time together count. 

"So what do you want to do?" I ask, pulling her to my side.

"Coffee?" She suggests. "Something low-key?"

"Sounds great." I tell her and she smiles.

The two of us hop into my car and as we pull away from the school, Sabrina and Jake are walking to the parking lot. Just seeing the two of them made me tense. They'd been particularly quiet these past few weeks, just passing Sasha and I both dirty glares. It made me nervous, I knew when they got like this it didn't mean anything good.

"Are you alright?" Sasha asks as we step out of the car. "It seemed like you had a lot on your mind driving over here."

"Yeah, it's nothing serious." I assure her, opening the door and ushering her to a table.

I'm back a few minutes later with two coffees and I sigh pouring some sugar into mine.

"I'm just a little worried about Sabrina and Jake." I tell her and she nods. "They don't stay quiet like this unless they're planning something."

"What's the worst they could do?" She asks and I reach across the table, looking for her hand.

"Sabrina knows things." I tell her. "She has connections and she knows people. I've watched her pull some ridiculous strings before, like calling someone to change her GPA at the end of every year. I've watched her pull strings in things around this school, like putting her friends onto sports teams and she manages to get teachers fired if they don't bend over backwards for her. I know she's just a sixteen year old like us, but she knows everything."

"S-so what are you saying?" She asks and I sigh.

"Just watch who you talk to, don't spread personal things around. Everything you think you keep secret, she finds out eventually. I don't want her to do anything that could interfere with your skating."

"She could do that?" She asks and I shrug.

"She could do a lot of things. Like tell everyone I used to figure skate or make up a rumour about you. I don't know who's secret you know or who you're protecting, but whoever you helped on Saturday-"

"She could expose their secret too." She concludes and I nod, giving her hands a good squeeze. "You said you've seen this type of thing happen before?" She asks and I nod.

"You remember Alyssa?" I ask and her eyes widen.

"The girl who had a drug problem and had to go to rehab a few months ago?" She asks and I sigh.

"She never had a drug problem." I mumble. "It was a made up rumour from Sabrina, Alyssa was the only person in the school who's GPA matched Sabrina's. The only difference was that she was actually putting in a lot of hard work. Sabrina told her to back off or she'd regret it, she didn't and suddenly there was a few 'questionable' pictures posted to an anonymous instagram page." I tell her and her eyes widen.

"She got teased so relentlessly that her parents moved out-of-state. Sabrina covered it up by telling everyone she was going to rehab for help with her drug problem. Just like that she was back on top." I say, feeling disgusted just retelling the story again. 

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