Chapter 46 ~ "You have a piece of my heart"

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This was going to be an amazing night, I had everything all planned out. My parents were at some fundraiser tonight until after midnight so I knew we'd have all the time in the world together.

This was what I was thinking about all day, how excited I was. Both of us wanted more intimacy and with our conflicting schedules there wasn't much of that to be had. It was the little things we both missed, like cuddling, or falling asleep together. I just wanted her near me all the time and I felt like I'd barely seen her in the last twenty four hours.

Now I was driving home after my game, I knew I had a huge smile on my face, we'd won our big game and were advancing to regionals this year. I was ready to celebrate and I was hoping Sasha was in the mood too. 

When I'm about ten minutes away I send a quick text asking if she's ready. I don't get anything back for a while and I start to worry until my phone starts ringing. I pull over and answer it gladly, seeing who's name was on the screen.

"Hey baby." I say quietly. "Ready?"

"I-um.....I can't right now." She says quietly. "I'm really sorry but something really serious just happened and I can't leave."

"Why are you whispering?" I ask.

"Because, the person who it happened to is just down the hall." She hisses. 

"Do you need help? Is everything alright?" I ask and she sighs.

"Yeah, I'm just really sorry." She whispers and I can hear her voice starting to break. "I know this was supposed to be our night and I've been really busy this week but....I need to be here. This is really important."

"What is it?" I ask.

"I can't tell you." She whispers. "And you don't know how hard it is for me to tell you that. But I promise I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't important. Please trust me." She's full-on crying, I can hear it now and my heart breaks.

"It's okay....just take a breath." I whisper.

"I feel awful." She mutters through her tears. "I wanted this time with you so badly. But this is a big deal."

"Where are you?" I ask, wanting to be there and help her.

"I'm at my house." She says. "But please don't come over, I'll come over to yours as soon as I have this settled."

".....Okay?" I say feeling weirded-out by her secretive behaviour. Sasha never kept things from me.

"I'll see you soon." She says and sigh. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper and hang up the phone.

I felt.....really strange after that phone call. It wasn't what I was hoping for the two of us, but whatever this is it's really bothering her, she was completely broken up over the other end because she couldn't come see me right now.

I worried it might have something to do with her father. But then I remembered her saying him and her mother were out on a date tonight as advised by their therapist. So what on earth could have happened to her? Who was she with and why was she so upset?

I just had to let it go and hope she'd tell me about it at some point. It really bothered me that I couldn't be there for her and she didn't want my help with this. I had to hope she was alright and give her her space, as much as it killed me, she wanted to deal with whatever this was alone.

I went home and just went up to my room, putting away the candles I had for tonight and the box of condoms into my nightstand. I knew that wasn't what she'd be in the mood for when she did get here. 

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