Chapter 59 ~ "It would mean a lot to me"

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☆ Hey Readers, sorry I haven't been updating much recently, I've been camping and I can honestly say it's been really fun! Everyone should take some time to disconnect and enjoy some time outdoors! I can't believe this story is up to 4K!!! I'm honestly so thankful and I'm looking forward to finishing this story off! :)) ☆ 


Shit, shit, shit!

They can't see me coming out of Nate's room, wearing his clothes and holding mine. That just has 'bad news' written all over it. I take off down the hallway, holding my thin costume and tights in my arms. As soon as I get to the elevators I push the button and tap my foot, starting to panic. 

Then I hear them get the door completely open and I press my lips together, praying for the elevator to speed up. I hear Alex's voice down the hall and I start to sweat. 

Finally the doors to the elevator open and I gladly climb on with a man and a woman, dressed in business attire. I can practically feel the looks I'm getting from them and I instinctively cross my arms over my chest. Right now I didn't care if I was on the elevator with the queen of England, anything was better than facing my brothers like this.

Soon enough we're back on my floor and I give them a tight smile before stepping out and heading back to my room. I feel a smile crop up over my face that I just can't seem to push away, I know I'm blushing and I can't find it in me to care.

I feel flushed, dazed and happily out of it as I reach my room, fishing my hotel key out of my door pocket. It's only a little after seven so hopefully Kate's still asleep. I open the door as quietly as I can and shut it behind me, sighing out a breath. I lean back against the door and smile to myself a bit. Last night was amazing.

"Well, well, well." I hear and see Kate sitting on the chair in the corner and sipping a coffee. "Where did you go last night?" She asks and I laugh, feeling startled to see her there.

"I-I thought you'd be asleep-"

"Don't change the subject." She says shaking her head and I laugh a bit to myself. "I waited for you to come back to the room so I could congratulate you. And then you just....never came."

"Sorry." I mumble.

"That's a nice outfit." She mutters. "I can't believe you wore your costume up there."

"It is a nice outfit." I tell her, throwing my things onto my bed. It's still properly made from yesterday in comparison to Kate's disheveled bed. "My boyfriend lent it to me."

"I can see that." She laughs. "Have fun?" I find myself nodding, feeling my cheeks getting even redder. 

"It was really nice." I tell her, laying back on my bed and she laughs, putting the cup down on the table next to her.

"I knew you had it in you!" She insists. "Not so scary anymore, hmm?"

"No...." I answer and she bursts into laughter.

"I'm honestly so proud Sash!" She squeals, shooting out of the chair. "So how was it? You didn't tell me anything after last time!" She huffs and I laugh sitting up.

"That's because they're private details." I say and she groans. 

"You're the worst." She insists, sitting down on her bed, making me laugh.

"It was really......good." I say, looking at the carpet, remarking the odd pattern. "It's just nice."

"Nice how?" She asks raising her eyebrows.

"Nice like......well.....I don't think anyone's ever come close to looking at me the way Nate does. He makes me feel pretty." I tell her and she pouts out her bottom lip.

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