Chapter 52 ~ "Miss me yet?"

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I knew Sabrina and Jake were up to something, I just never imagined it would be as bad as it is. She was shattered yesterday, I've never seen her like that, even when she showed up on my doorstep after running away from home. I knew she was really bothered by what was written on those flyers. All day she asked if I thought she was too skinny, if I thought she was a burden, if I thought she was weird. 

It had ruined Sasha, the confidence she managed to get over the past few weeks was gone. She just laid in my arms and I told her over and over again that I loved her, that she meant the world to me. 

She kept telling me that she didn't have an eating disorder. From the outside looking in it could be easy for someone to make that assumption. She only really ate one meal a day unless somebody forced her to eat more, and occasionally she'd throw up. But she wasn't refusing food because she didn't want to gain weight, she was refusing it because she would get really sick if she ate too much.

I'd seen it, I knew it was real. After eating a big meal at breakfast time, she'd lay down in bed and groan, curling up in the feta position. I knew something was wrong there, but it wasn't psychological, it was physical. 

My poor beautiful girlfriend was broken. This wasn't what she needed at all this week, she needed no stress and a ton of support. She flies out to Boston on Thursday night and then she's at nationals. Today's Tuesday and she's not in it, she went to her practices yesterday but she wasn't the same. It was mindless, just her repeating a set of moves.

Her busy life helped her to forget it most of the time, but I know she just can't pretend nothing happened. Sometimes she'd just start crying at random moments and it broke my heart. I knew she was believing the rumours, the part about being too skinny and 'what did I see in her?'.

I loved Sasha more than anything, there's never been somebody I loved more than her. Her food did concern me but she knew that and at the end of the day it was something she really couldn't control.

Mom called and excused me from classes when she found out what happened. I knew they'd done this for a few reasons. Number one, to kill Sasha's confidence. Number two to put a strain on our relationship. Number three, to hurt me by hurting her. And number four, to psych her out before her big competition this weekend. This was cruel and it was the reason I hated dating Sabrina. She was mean and absolutely insane. 

Right now she's at her morning practice and she looks exhausted. I stayed with her last night and I chose to bring her here today too. I didn't want her to be alone, she was so miserable.

"Nate." Kate says, sitting in the chair next to me. "Do you know what's up with Sasha?" She asks sounding worried and I sigh.

"Somebody snuck into school yesterday morning and put up these flyers." I mumble, passing her one and her eyes widen.

"Who would do something like this?" She asks, reading the long passage at the bottom. "The physique of and eight-year-old? Daddy issues?!" 

"My ex-girlfriend and my ex-friend. She cheated on me with him for six months, I broke up with her not too long ago because I really had feelings for Sasha." I say quietly. "She's still not over it obviously."

"What a bitch." She says flatly and I nod. "What's your school doing about it?"

"Nothing as near as I can tell." I tell her and her eyes widen. "Sasha's parents are going after it, I know they've hired a lawyer and they've taken it to the police."

"The police?" She repeats and I nod. "What makes this girl so dangerous?"

"I've seen her do horrible things, things like having teachers fired. Principal Barnes is only five years from retirement and I think he'd like to stay employed." I say bitterly and she sighs.

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