Chapter 60 ~ "A victory lap?"

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It's official, I have the best girlfriend ever. She was here for me the same way I was for her, she surprised me and wanted to come see me play. Sasha doesn't give herself any credit for being a good person, she just made sure her brothers felt included and that she could come to my game all at the same time.

I don't know if I've ever seen her so happy before, she's completely turned around since yesterday afternoon. This week had started with her being almost completely destroyed and now she was as happy as I'd ever seen her.

"I can't believe you surprised me back." I mumble, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Believe it." She whispers, wrapping her arms around me.

"That was a nice thing you did for your brothers." I whisper and she smiles.

"I'm just trying to bridge the gaps a bit, when they talk to dad it's always really weird. I thought this would make it look like they were at least trying." She says and I smile.

I watch as her family engages in a simple conversation with head nodding and smiles. It was stiff but, like Sasha said, it was the effort that mattered through all of this.

"I'm so happy you're here." I whisper and she nods.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." She tells me and I nod.

"Look I need to change and shower, I'm supposed to go out with mom and dad for dinner to celebrate and then go to our post game party-"

"That's great." She says, shaking her head with a smile. "Have fun."

"No I-well.....I wanted to know if you wanted to come?" I ask and she raises her eyebrows.

"Oh." She says. "No I don't want to intrude or anything-"

"You wouldn't be." I insist. "Everyone's bringing friends and girlfriends."

"I don't know how fun I'd be." She sighs. "I've never really been to a party before and I don't want to embarrass you."

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "Baby, you'll never embarrass me. I want you there, I promise it'll be fun and I'll make sure you get home safe."

"Well...." She starts, but stops and sighs out. "Nathan I don't know if it's really my scene but-"

"Say no more." I say. "If you're not going then I'm not either we can go out and do something together instead-"

"But." She says, cutting me off and putting her hands on my arms. "It clearly means a lot to you, so I'll go. I don't want you to give it up because of me." She whispers, running her thumbs back and forth over my forearms.

"You will?" I ask and she nods with a smile.

"Yes." She says quietly and I give her a small kiss. "Isn't a Sunday a weird night for a party?"

"I'm not planning on staying very late, just putting in an appearance and hanging out for a bit. Then I'll take you home." I tell her and she laughs.

"Only if you come in with me." She says and I fell my heartbeat pick up. "I'm so proud of you." I feel her fingers slide through my hair and I smile. Sasha could get me to melt in her hands with her sentimental comments. 

"I didn't really play in the last third." I admit and she shrugs.

"But you're a part of the team, let me congratulate you." She pouts and I laugh.

"Sash." I hear Alex say and she clears her throat, stepping back a bit. "We're all going to dinner, take your time whenever you're done we'll head out." He says stiffly, and her parents nod heading out to the lobby. Her brothers wave and head back to the change room.

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