Chapter 61 ~ "Cheers"

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Well let this go on record as yet another thing I never thought I'd do three months ago. I used to hate the people who went to parties and now here I was, attending one. But I had Nate by my side this time, that just made me excited. I wasn't going to let anyone break my stride after the weekend I'd had.

I'd finally managed to do the one thing I'd set out to do, win my national's competition. On top of that, my boyfriend had won his regional competition today and flew to Boston last night just to see me. Then we had an amazing night together in bed, another night that just filled my mind with happy thoughts.

I didn't wear anything this revealing out of the house usually but I felt oddly powerful. I liked the way the outfit looked, Nate seemed to like it and I wanted to prove to myself that I liked my body the way it was. 

"Ready?" Nate asks as we get to the door and I nod.

"I think so." I tease and he laughs, leaning down to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I meant what I said, alright? If you want to go, just let me know." He says and I nod.

It was a touching gesture that he cared so much about me and if I was comfortable, but I knew that wouldn't really be fair. These were the people he'd won with today and it was important he got to enjoy himself. I'd just tough it out until he wanted to leave.

"Okay." I say quietly and he smiles, pulling me inside.

Instantly I'm hit with a smell that I could only associate with a bar or a gym-bag....or both. It was a musty scent that I'm sure was coming from the numerous sweaty boys and whatever they were drinking or using.

"Sorry, it really smells like weed." He says and I raise my eyebrows now understanding why it smelled this way.

"Whatever." I say and he laughs.

"You did not just 'whatever' me, Sasha Petrov." He teases and I relax.

"I totally did." I say, putting my hands on his chest. "What are you going to do about it?"

He gives me a quick kiss that makes me nearly melt into a puddle. I instantly feel more relaxed in this new situation. It wasn't that I had anything against people who drank or smoked, I just didn't have much experience doing it, especially not in an environment like this. 

"Come on, I'll come introduce you to a few people." He says and I nod, following him to the kitchen.

We pass a bunch of people, a few tables littered with empty cups and garbage and the dining room with a speaker larger than a footstool. Rainbow beams coat the celling and the bass is turned up so high I don't have a clue what's playing, all I can hear is the vibrations coming through the floor.

"Alright, this is Damien." Nate says, bringing me to a boy, shorter than Nate and with dark hair. "He's one of our right wings and this is his girlfriend, Rachel." He says and I get a small handshake.

"No shit, you're the girl-" I brace myself for a comment about my 'eating disorder' but what he says instead shocks me. "You just won a national competition, right?" He asks and I sigh, feeling thankful.

"Yeah, that's me." I say and I feel Nate wrap his arm around my waist. 

"Very cool, cooler than this game today." He says and she shrugs.

"I don't know about that, I was there for the nail-bitter at the end, could have gone either way and you guys pulled it out." I tell him and he shrugs.

"So what's it like being a figure skater?" His girlfriend, Rachel, asks. She's quite pretty, brown hair and deep features.

"It's busy, hard work but totally worth it." I tell her and she smiles. 

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