Chapter 68 ~ "Have fun last night?"

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I wake up seeing light peak through behind my curtains and smile looking up at the celling. She was here yesterday, we spent the afternoon in this bed together. I laugh a bit remembering the time we spent together. Whenever I close my eyes I think about her, I think about her nails running down my back, her closing her eyes and sighing into my ear.

It was a vision that played through my dreams all night. I went to bed a lot earlier than I meant to last night, I was just tired after the week and I slept easy knowing Sasha was having the time of her life at Mel's last night.

It's only a little after nine now, so I roll over and check my phone only to be overwhelmed by what I see on the lock screen. Fifty-three texts, six missed calls and three voicemails from Sasha. Immediately I shoot up in bed, worried something bad happened until I really get in to read and listen to the messages.



*Nate Im a littyl drink*


"Baby andwer mr*


*I misz u*

*Updat mire drun now, Mel has th bleeder out*


*They caygh me texig u, now thell drae on me whil I sleet*

*Pleas answerd, I wannan her ur voiz*

Half the texts make zero sense and I just laugh reading them, she was adorable. I just hoped she was feeling alright this morning. I'm almost upset I missed drunk Sasha, she sounds hilarious. Then I listen to the voice messages and I laugh even harder.

"Hey might be just a little bit tipsy." I hear her nearly whisper. "But you can't say anything....I'm not supposed to be texting you......right now....or at all tonight....but I just wanted to call you. I-I miss you-"

"Sasha! Hang up the phone this is girls night, no boys!" I hear someone scream in the background and she laughs. I save the voicemail and press play on the next one

"Nathan........I'm peeing in Mel's fancy bathroom. I don't know how.....the toilet works. I'm so confused.....anyway, I got away to call you. I wish you'd answer but you're probably asleep.....holy shit it's one a.m." She mumbles. "I keep thinking about this afternoon......that was really nice, we should do that more often. I'm wearing your sweater.....but it's really warm, I might have to take it off-"

"Sash, what are you doing in there!" I hear with some banging on the door.

"I'll continue this later.......just be quiet." She whispers and I laugh, moving onto the last one.

"Well hey Nathan.....why do you let me call you that?.....Nobody does....except me! Anyway, I just called to tell you Rachel puked and I didn't....I'm way better at this than her. I might be more drunk than I've ever been.......I think I could run a marathon right now. What else did I want you to know.....oh! I was hungry tonight, like stomach growling hungry. It was really cool......anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow, sorry if I'm a little messed up, I didn't realize I'd be so.....drunk. I'll be fine for dinner at least.....oh my god please don't be mad I'm wasted." She says quickly and I laugh to myself.

"I miss you.......I wish you were here......well maybe not at girls night, I just mean I wish we were together. I love you.....I took off your sweater, so now I'm just standing in front of the bathroom mirror in a pair of shorts and this sports bra. I think I'm starting to fill-out a bit.....maybe I'm just too drunk. Do you find my collarbones stick out?-"

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