Chapter 2- The Lie

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It took a lot of convincing but the nurse finally agreed. She took my blood sample, then a cheek swab from both Kevin and Shawn.

The three of us were seated in a different waiting room, one that was less crowded. We sat there for about fifteen minutes till the nurse showed up and called us to the corner of the room. She seemed a bit nervous but still managed to go through with the plan.

"The results are out and sir Shawn Hudgins is the biological father. Congratulations to you sir." She managed to put on a fake smile and hurried away.

Kevin seemed relieved and he exhaled deeply as if he had been anxiously thinking about the results. Shawn on the other hand, well, I don't know what was going on through his mind, he was unreadable.

"Well, guess you don't have to stick around. Lucky me!" I sighed.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "From the moment I got here, this is the happiest I've been."

"I need to use the washroom." he excused himself.

I expected Shawn to say something the second Kevin walked away but he stayed silent.

"Well, aren't you going to say something? How do you feel?" I whispered softly.

"Yes I will say something actually. What the hell was that?" he widened his eyes.

"What was what?"

Shawn was about to open his mouth, but he hesitated. He kept opening his jaw then shutting it as if he were debating whether he should speak or not.

"How dumb do you think I am? First of all you cannot run a DNA test unless you're at least seven weeks pregnant. We slept together less than two weeks ago Emma. Besides, everyone knows it takes two-four weeks for the results to come out."

"Everyone but Kevin, so stay quiet about it. If he finds out the baby could be his, he'll never leave. We have to get rid of him Shawn, we have to."

Kevin approached us and I sensed that he wanted to say something, but I didn't push it.

"Kevin how are you going to make it here? You don't have a job where on earth do you live?" I asked out of curiosity.

"You worried about me sweetheart?" he taunted. My cheeks uncontrollably blushed a little.

"Watch it asshole. She's mine." Interfered Shawn.

"Lover boy is getting jealous, how romantic."

"F*ck off dude."

"Guys shut up we're in public. Sorry I asked, forget it I don't want to know." I got frustrated but low-key got turned on by Shawn getting possessive.

"I brought all my gold from Pengale with me. Also stole Caroline's." He admitted.

"She needs it too you know," I told him.

"No she doesn't. She'll be dead by the end of August anyway." he revealed.

Wait what? Did he just say-

I opened my mouth and got ready to freak out and investigate further. But before I got the chance to speak, he cut me off.

"I know you're going to yell at me and say how could you do this you inconsiderate person blah blah blah. I didn't do anything. My father will though. Don't ask me why. I'm done answering you." he gave me a serious look demanding me to stay silent. But the longer I looked at him, the more urged I was to find out more.

"What aren't you telling me? You're holding back." I said as my tone got higher with every word.

"So are you."

What? I swear that guy is driving me crazy! He walked away before I got the chance to say anything and Shawn tried to calm me down by gently rubbing my back.

"It's okay babe he's just messing with you. Don't let him get into your head."

"No he's telling the truth, I'm sure of it. Caroline's in danger Shawn. If it weren't for her they would have executed me, multiple times."

I ran into his arms and dug my head into his shirt ready to burst. But I didn't cry, I couldn't. I knew that I had to learn to suck it up and stay strong. Being overly sensitive would get me nowhere. That's it, from now on I'm officially not allowed to cry.

"Let's go home babe, to Ottawa. You can live in my place." He offered while caressing my skull. I nodded at him and removed my body from his embrace.

Home, what a complicated concept.

We took a cab back to the hotel and packed our stuff. That hotel was linked with the memory of Rebecca. We came all the way to find her just so she could get killed, and I can't help but think it was my fault.

I looked over at the bed and remembered my naked body lying on top of Shawn's. Well, I guess that was the only good part about this whole trip.

We left the room with two little handbags and retuned the key to the receptionist. I can't wait to go home and forget about any of this. But could I really? I don't even know where home is anymore. Is it my apartment in Montreal, or with Shawn in Ottawa? Either way I could never go on like everything's fine.

Me being pregnant is a constant reminder that I slept with Kevin. Though it could be Shawn's, I'll still remember Kevin anyway. And you know what? Even if I were to completely forget Kevin and Pengale, there's one part of it I'll never be able to ignore; Caroline.

So many people have died because of me. Rachel, the jerk who bullied me, Victor, Jasmine and Rebecca. I cannot let Caroline die too. What kind of a friend would I be to let her suffer when she stood up for me and always had my back? I looked down at my neck and held the snowflake necklace she gave me.

"I'm coming for you Caroline."

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