Chapter8- Moving Out

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The clock was ticking and it was almost 3pm. I still had no clue where I'd stay tonight. Jasmine's key was still with me, but there's no way in hell I'll be that disrespectful. The poor girl lost her life partially because of me, and I won't use her property as a shelter.

The door made a few sounds as Shawn opened it and walked in. I knew he was mad at me, but I was so excited to see him again. Those few hours I had spent without him felt like years. I immediately got off the couch and walked towards him with a slight smile on my face. "Hey,"

"Hi," he looked at the way ahead of him and walked past me.

"I'm so glad you came back. I've missed you Shawn." I said, making my way towards him and appearing in front of him once more. I wanted to hug him, I wanted him to hold me, and tell me it's going to be alright. None of that mattered. He didn't want to talk to me. He didn't want me.

He ignored my comment and went straight to the bathroom. I followed him and stood behind the door. "Are you going to talk to me?"

"Did you find a place to stay yet?" he asked ignoring my question.

"No. I don't know anyone here."

He opened the door and walked out. "Well maybe you would like to sleep at Kevin's." he mumbled to himself.

"Shawn stop that."

"Whatever," he sighed.

I know I said I'd never disrespect Jaz by entering her home after her death, but it was starting to seem like the only option I had.

"Well if you really want me gone I'd have to stay at Jasmine's, and I really don't think it's a good idea."

Shawn sighed and brushed his hand through his hair. "Alright, I'll get you a hotel room for a couple of days and you'll show up to work. By next Friday your paycheck will be ready. You can go home and start over in Montreal." he offered.

I was actually pretty surprised he didn't just leave me on the streets. Even after everything that's happened, he was still looking after me.

"Shawn I can't thank you enough. I'm really speechless." I got closer to him and cupped his face, resting my forehead on his, but the moment got ruined before it even started. He removed my hands and walked away.

"Don't touch me." he ordered.

Is this really going to be the end of it?

Everything this man and I have been through, comes down to this? There's no way I'm actually going to give up on him. Though it appeared he had already given up on me. He didn't want me.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized.

He left the house once more and told me to pack my stuff, and I did. But if I were to let him go, he had to know how I truly felt about him.

I took out a pen and a piece of paper from the top shelf in the storing room, and wrote the most honest letter I had ever written.

"To Shawn:

The reason I went behind your back is because I knew you would disapprove of my motives. It's not what you think. There's absolutely nothing going on between me and Kevin, or even Rodrick.

Caroline is in danger and I need to get back to her. I know you think it's a bad idea but I can't let another person die. I don't know what the cause of her doom will be, but whatever it is she's facing, she needs help. I made an agreement with Rodrick that he'll send me there next week, in exchange for me owing him a favor. That's why I was shaking his hand in that picture you saw, as for Kevin, I didn't even know he was going to be there.

I just want you to know that I've never and would never cheat on you. I'm so sorry I snuck out at night, I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Please Shawn I'll literally beg. Don't leave me. You're the most amazing man I've ever known. Forgive me."

I put the letter in an envelope and wrote: "To the man I love" on it.

Did I feel a bit better after writing it? Yes. But would that make him want be back? Probably not.

Shawn walked in a few moments later and asked if I was ready. I nodded at him and got my handbag outside the door. He picked it up for me and put it in the backseat.

"I found a hotel that's seven minutes away from the library if you go by feet. Here are your key and buffet tickets. Do you need anything else?" he asked as he handed me the tickets.

"No. You've done more than enough, thank you. I just want us to be ok again."

"Emma there is no "us"." his words made me feel like there was no hope. That even with the letter I had written, things were never going to work out.

I nodded at him and looked out the window. We were both silent the whole ride and it felt awkward. As he parked the car, an unpleasant feeling rushed through my veins. I didn't want to leave. Even though the ride was awkward I hoped it would last a little longer.

I knew we were there, but I didn't want to admit it. Couldn't it be just a few more blocks away?

"We're here." he announced.

I didn't say anything. I shut my eyes and leaned my head back, a tear sliding across my face.

"Can I hold your hand one more time?" I requested, finally opening my eyes and gazing into his.

Shawn let out a deep breath, and slowly approached me, grabbing my hand. The touch of his soft skin beneath mine, would that be the last time I'd feel it? I squeezed his hand tightly and brought it up, close to my face. I pressed my lips against his knuckles and kissed them.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I love you." and I got out of the car.

I didn't dare look at his face. I didn't want to see him hurt, if he was even hurting. I'd rather not find out. I took my handbag and headed straight to my room, 217. That was the number written on the key card.

After eating most of the food there was at the buffet, I went back to my room and took a shower. It was already dark, and I had a shift early in the morning tomorrow.

I decided to sleep in my towel, so I could wash the clothes I was wearing and use them again tomorrow. I had only brought four outfits from Jasmine's closet, including the black dress.

I jumped into bed and shut my eyes, trying to clear my mind of all the thoughts haunting it.

Just when I was about to drift into a deep sleep, I heard an irritating sound.

Please don't be a bug, I'm scared of insects. I turned on the table lamp next to me but I couldn't spot any flies. Besides, it didn't really sound like one anyway. The noise got louder and louder and it was quite familiar.

I rushed to the bathroom where I had left my necklace right before entering the shower, and I found it glowing extremely bright. I slowly picked it up and went back to bed, hoping it would stop anytime now. Fortunately, it did. And just like the last time, it turned completely black, right before it returned to its natural white color.

*I low key feel bad for Emma I don't know whose side I should be on right now. Are you guys on team Shawn or team Emma?

Btw I wrote this chapter at 3am so please vote guys. Until next time!*

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