Chapter 34- Ending

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It's been five days since we took a paternity test, and today, Shawn and I are waiting for Kevin to come so we can all see the result. The lab that took our samples mailed me an envelope containing the answer to our question.

Every second I spent anticipating Kevin's arrival seemed like an eternity. I kept staring at the envelope afraid it might disappear. Shawn was trying to stay calm but I can tell he was freaking out on the inside.

The bell finally rang, and I jumped out of my seat to get it. As expected, Kevin stood smugly and invited himself in. I glanced over at the car parked in front of our neighbour's door and became even more anxious.

"Alright, go ahead now," said Kevin.

I took a deep breath and tore the envelope open, careful not to rip the paper inside. Both men were standing next to me trying to stop themselves from snatching the paper out of my hands.

The paper was filled with numbers and scribbles that I didn't understand, but at the bottom of the page, it was written clearly.

'The test proved Mr Kevin Finheart to be the father of Miss Emma Adelson's Child.'

I felt my heart sink as I read those words over and over. For so long I had hoped it would be Shawn, the man I love. So let's just say I'm... disappointed that it turned out to be the one who tried to kill me.

Silence filled the room as we processed the information, willing ourselves to accept it. Eventually, Shawn cleared his throat and broke the silence. "So, ehh, it's his. Huh."

Hearing him admit it sounded strange to my ears, it was just... stange.

"Well, it's a good thing I brought my knife then. I'll come back for my kid once they're born. Enjoy your time while he's still inside of you, that's the only time you'll have with him." Kevin threatened, pulling out his knife, ready to strike at Shawn.

As if on queue, -which they technically were- the police officers barged into the house holding their guns up. "Put your hands where I can see them! Drop your weapon, now!"

Shawn and I instantly brought our hands up looking at a very confused Kevin. "What. Did. You. Do?" he asked through gritted teeth, his tone accusing.

"We made sure our baby girl wouldn't grow up with a serial killer, that's all."

The officers arrested Kevin, but he was putting up a fight. "You can't do this. You have no proof! They're lying."

"Actually we do have proof." Contradicted a tall brunette officer with her badge on display. "Given the fact that you were holding a knife when we walked in, and admitted to have attempted Emma's murder, which you admitted yourself. Not to mention the security cameras at Jasmine Keen's building showed you carrying out a huge bag on the same day that she was reported to be missing."

Kevin's expression changed from anger to shock, before his face got rid of any emotions.

"You recorded that, didn't you?" he said calmly, all the fight had left his voice as they were dragging him out of the voice.

I whispered a soft 'yes'.

We watched as he got in the car and, his eyes focused on me as they drove him away. I thought I was going to feel weird now that it was finally over, but all I felt was relief.

They had already brought Shawn and I to the station last week, and they already questioned us on everything. The officer said a few words to Shawn, but I wasn't listening. All I could think of was that he was gone. He couldn't hurt me or my baby. I smiled as I looked down at my belly, rubbing it softly.

"It's okay baby, I won't let anyone hurt you." I whispered to the bump in my stomach.

When the officer left, Shawn got on his knees in front of me and placed a single kiss to my stomach. "I love you." He mumbled into it. I'm not sure who that was meant for, but probably the both of us.

"So, you said 'our baby girl'. What makes you think that it's a girl?" he asked, getting up to stroke my cheek.

"I don't know. Just a feeling." I smiled looking into his eyes.

"I think so too."

The End

*I don't know what to feel right now. After two whole years of writing the dark realm series has come to an end. I'll definitely miss this story but I know that there are more to come. It's funny how I'm writing this note knowing the last few chapters only got 2 views, which happen to be from my closest friends. I hope with time this book will get so big that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the readers' names. Thank you guys for all the support 💜💜💜*

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