Chapter 18- Bad Intentions

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I noticed that there were a couple of guards staring us down and yelling orders to one another. I immediately took the envelope Kevin had ready for me and prepared myself for what was next.

I don't know who they were more worked up about; me or Caroline. She did have to sneak out after all. They were planning on arresting us but they stopped in their tracks when their gaze landed on Luther.

"You are not welcome here," stated one of the guards with a slight waver in his voice. Luther seemed unfazed by the snarky remark as he stood still with a smirk creeping on his face.

"I have no interest in the kingdom. I shall be on my way as soon as I make sure they're safe." he told him, taking a step forward.

The guard immediately tensed up at Luther's approach and he was soon joined by three other men.

"Don't come any closer. By orders of the king you are not to enter our borders." The man's words clearly had no effect on Luther as he took another step daring them to do something about it. He was a wizard after all, but I'm not sure how much power he holds. I wanted to ask him if he was stronger than Rodrick, but I felt out of place to do so.

"Uhh, excuse me," I spoke up. "I would like to speak to the king actually. Take me to him."

The first guard to have come was about to say something, but his friend who was standing right behind him recognized me. "Isn't that the girl from Canada, the one that escaped her execution?"

"Yes, and I want to speak with the king." The guards ignored my demands as they looked at each other silently before one of them spoke up, looking at Caroline.

"Princess Caroline, your father is very angry with you for leaving. Come with me, I am to bring you to your room. As for you Sir Nick, you'd better have a good explanation or the king will not be so forgiving."

"He left because I asked him to, no one defies the king's daughter unless instructed to. Nick was told to obey me and he did." She spoke firmly. "And didn't my father send a search party for me? There were no men on our way here." Caroline took a step closer to me and
Shawn as if she were afraid the guards would take us. As for me, I was just pissed that they were ignoring me, and surprised they didn't address Shawn.

The guards shook their head and a confused expression took over Caroline's face. He didn't even bother looking, it's as if he wanted her gone.

"Kevin was right, her father wants her dead." Shawn whispered in a very low tone making sure I was the only one who heard him.

His words confused me at first, but I was quick to understand what he was referring to. Kevin's words rang in my head like a fire alarm that wouldn't go off. 'I didn't do anything, my father will though.'

"We'll take care of this, but we cannot do our job unless he leaves." The man nodded his head towards Luther, a look of disgust on his face.

I felt Luther ready to object, so I cut him off. "Luther we'll be fine, thank you for your help. Please go they'll never let us in with you here."

He didn't seem happy with my request, but he obliged. "Fine, if that's what you want." He kept his gaze on me as he slowly retreated away from us.

The moment he was out of sight the guards took action. One of them was leading Caroline towards her room while the other three were keeping a close eye on Shawn, Nick, and I. We were walking towards the main gate and I was clutching the envelope from Kevin.

It just occurred to me that I didn't even read what he wrote, this could be a trap. What if he told his father to kill us? I can't believe I actually didn't check.

My heart was pounding as we walked into the throne room and my eyes settled on King Thomas.

The three of us took slow strides towards him, until we reached a certain point and both

Shawn and Nick were held back. I began panicking when their hands were being held behind their backs in a tight grip. I swallowed my fear and took another step towards the terrifying man in front of me.

"Bow before your king." A voice demanded, and I reluctantly lowered my head in respect.

His majesty was looking at me with a neutral expression on his face. I was waiting for him to say something, but when he made no effort to open his mouth, I decided to break the ice.

I cleared my throat. "My lord, I have a letter for you. It's from Kevin."

He held out his hand as his gaze fell to the piece of paper in my hand. I nervously handed it over to him and stood with my hands behind my back.

Everyone in the room watched him silently as he tore the envelope open and read the letter inside it. Curiosity was killing me and I silently cursed at myself for not reading it before he did.

For mere moments, he had his eyes glued to the paper in his hand, but they certainly felt like ages. When he finally looked up from the letter, he eyed me with such an intense gaze that I felt like I was going to pee myself.

"Very well, let them go and give them a room on the fourth floor." To say that his words shocked me would be an understatement. I was literally going to scream as I felt a heavy weight lift off my chest, but I couldn't help but feel uneasy. I should've been happy to hear what he said –and I was- but it sounded too good to be true. Why would Kevin try to help me in the first place?

The king's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as he ordered everyone to leave the room. I did a wannabe bow in front of him and turned on my heels, leaving the room with Shawn following close behind.

We walked after the guard, which led us to our room and it looked exactly like my previous one. The large bed was on the right side of the room, covered with an expensive looking blanket. Next to it were a few drawers glued to a nightstand. The left side of the room had a wooden dining table with several chairs surrounding it. And of course, my favourite part, AKA the bathroom.

The guard left and closed the door behind him, leaving Shawn and I on our own. But despite the privacy we were given, I couldn't help the strange sensation that we were being watched.

*I almost forgot to update today hehe whoopsies😅*

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