Chapter 14- Wrong Distination

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I don't know how long we've been sleeping for but I woke up extremely confused. I sat up, and looked around only to notice an unfamiliar environment. It took me a while to remember everything that had happened and I felt a wave of sudden fear rush through me.

I looked at my right, and my handbag was there. But Shawn wasn't. SHAWN WASN'T!

Where on Earth is he?! Where am I?

I scanned the area around me but it was very unfamiliar. I had never seen it before. This time I was surrounded by grass and tall trees, kind of like a jungle, but not creepy. There was a strong waterfall of ice cold water a few meters away from me.

I could spot wooden tiles from afar, and I kept walking towards them, hoping they'd lead me somewhere. I took my handbag with me of course, and tried not to assume the worst about Shawn not being here.

The more I walked the further the tiles appeared. It felt like I was going down an endless path when in reality, it was definitely less than a kilometer away.

I finally reached the wooden tiles, but what I saw next left me even more confused. Confused would be a vague way to describe it actually, I was terrified. Completely and utterly terrified.

In the center of that floor, there was something engraved deeply. One word, that made me lose my mind.


I'm seeing things right? Definitely going crazy. I thought only Pengale existed, but if Kelaya is real too, then I guess all the myths are true. Zarya, Ruslan, Pengale and Kelaya.

I had heard so many stories about this place, most of which described it as weak, simple, more like the countryside.

I want to punch Rodrick so bad! That bastard.

This. Was. Not. The. Deal.

We agreed that he'd send both Shawn and I to Pengale not FREAKING Kelaya!

I'm so freaking mad right now I feel like I want to throw something and break someone's nose with it. That someone being a certain wizard.

I hate him. I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him!

There's a question that never crossed my mind until now. I know a passage is needed to travel between my world and Pengale, but are all the mythical realms connected? Do I need a portal or something to get to Caroline or would walking do me any good?

I guess the only way to find out would be to ask someone. Let's just hope no one thinks I'm crazy. I walked over to a young man standing in the center of the area. "Excuse me, could you give me directions to Pengale?"

He eyed me intensely making me very uncomfortable. This series should be called 'A list of people who think I'm crazy.'

I glanced at his arm and noticed he was holding a sword.

"Repeat." he ordered, his coal black eyes never leaving mine.

"I said could you direct me to Pengale." I cleared my throat.

"Who sent you?" he raised an eyebrow and got really close to me.

I flinched.

"Tell me who sent you."

"Rodrick?" I'm not sure what he meant exactly but that's what I assumed he was referring to.

His eyes opened wide as he glanced over to his friend and motioned for him to come.

"What's going on?" I took a step back.

"She's working with the enemy and is not to be trusted." he informed the other man which he called for earlier.

I swear this guy is getting on my nerves right now. Fine, if they want to treat me like an enemy, I will be the enemy.

The two men dragged me across a narrow path and into a tent. Not a cell, a tent. The heck is wrong with these people?

"Umm, could you tell me what I'm guilty of exactly?"

"You dare ask?" he stood in surprise.

Shut up Caspian.

"You chose the side of evil over good. You work with the madman while we praise Luther."

"First of all I don't work with that asshole," I corrected him. "And who the hell is Luther?"

"For Luther is the rightful leader, and he shall free us from this misery."

"Ok William Shakespeare, quit talking nonsense and explain to me what the hell you meant." I sat down on the only bench there was in the tiny tent.

"As of now, you are our prisoner, and shall not speak unless spoken to. This area is heavily guarded, so don't even think about trying to escape." he gave me one last intense look then turned on his heels.


Shawn's POV

My head is spinning. I can barely get up. I looked around me, I'm in a hall.

People are walking past me and pretending I'm not even here. What the hell is this place?

I got up, my backpack on my shoulders, and started panicking as I realized I was no longer home. Rodrick sent me and Emma to the other realm. But why isn't she with me? I want to punch that bastard and knock him out. He really manages to work my last nerve.

There was a blonde woman near me carrying towels.

"Hey," I approached her. "Just out of curiosity, where are we?"

She raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

"We're in the palace Sherlock. Who the hell are you?" she looked me up and down.

"I'm Shawn." I put my hand out for her to shake it.

She put all the towels in one hand and shook mine with the other. "Camila,"she breathed out.

"Another quick question, also out of curiosity; what's the name of the kingdom that we're in right now?"

"We're in Pengale sir. You're clearly not from here. You're dressed the way Emma used to dress." My eyes widened at the mention of Emma's name and I felt my heart rate increase.

"You know Emma? Are you a friend of hers?"

"She probably hates me now. WAIT, is she here??" she seemed scared of Emma, which was quite odd.

"Well I don't know where she is." I said as I ran a hand through the back of my hair.

"Don't tell her you saw me. This," she motioned around us, "never happened." And she hurried away from me.

Ok so I'm definitely going to tell Emma about this when I find her.

The hall was wide and there were many doors and entrances along the way. I heard a woman yelling at someone, and I followed her voice till it led me to her.

She had long black curls and a pointed nose. If there's one thing I know about women, it's that when they keep moving their hands while talking, they're pretty pissed.

"You're all mad!" she screamed as she rubbed her wrists. I noticed there were red marks around them.

"You had to learn your lesson Caroline! And don't you dare shout at me." Another man came into view and let me just say, he looked filthy rich. With his dark hair gelled to the back, his four golden rings screamed money. And the heavy crown on his head screamed power.

I hid behind a wall as I heard his footsteps getting louder. So that woman, that's who we came to rescue? If she's the one who helped my baby, then it's my job to make sure no harm comes to her. Right after I find Emma of course.

*OK so a loooot happened this chapter. I don't even know who I'm more excited about, Emma or Shawn. Let me know what your assumptions are for the next chapter, I love to know where my readers think the story is going. Stay safe, love you!*

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