Chapter 20-First Task

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We were back in our room, rereading the letter over and over again. Even though I knew it was pointless, the message was pretty clear.

"Ok so maybe we should just start, the sooner we finish the better," Shawn said, snatching the paper out of my hands.

"You mean you want to start your task?" I asked, even though it was pretty obvious what he meant.

Shawn nodded. "Yeah, it's an easy one anyway. I just have to go the room you uh, slept, umm, you know..." he coughed to cover up for the fact that he was uncomfortable.

Of course, Rodrick just had to make this awkward for us and bring up the fact that I slept with Kevin.

"It's Kevin's room." I mumbled.

Shawn's eyes widened but he tried to hide his shock.

"Uh, yes, of course. So where is it?"

Shawn and I made our way to Kevin's room, and just as I was about to touch the door handle, two guards appeared in front of me.

"Miss Adelson, you are not allowed in here." said one of the guards.

I shoved him away. "Yes, but we need to enter." I insisted.

The two guards looked at each other, before the other one spoke. "No, you don't. He does."

We were all looking at Shawn now, who had the most oblivious expression on his face.

The guard knew something, clearly. Rodrick's note said this task was for Shawn, not me. But the fact that the guards knew that is very disturbing.

Shawn cupped my face and whispered, "Wait for me in our room, I'll be back in a bit."

I nodded at him and reluctantly walked away. I wanted to make sure he was going to be ok, but that wasn't an option. I wonder why the task had to be in Kevin's room though.

I walked back to our room and turned on the light switch as I was walking in.

Waiting for Shawn to come back was a lot harder than it should've been. I found myself reaching for the door handle every five seconds.

I got tired of waiting, it had been almost an hour and I was anxious as hell. I couldn't help him though, that would be violating the rules of Rodrick's twisted game.

The only way to ensure I don't follow him, is if I sleep. Although I doubt I'd be able to sleep right now, I still curled up under the blankets.

I shut my eyes, but I was nowhere near falling asleep. I didn't bother opening them though.

I was thinking about three things; Shawn, Shawn, and Shawn.

My eyes were still shut, and shortly after, tears began running down my face. I'm not sure why I was crying, but I just felt like it. I put one hand over my stomach, hoping my baby would bring me comfort, and it somewhat did.

Whatever comfort I got from thinking about my unborn child, was nothing compared to how relaxed I felt when two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I knew it was him from the warmth of his hands, the sound of his breathing, his tight and protective grip on me.


I instantly turned around to face him, and dug my head in his soft hoodie.

He began placing kisses on my hair and shoulders, until he heard me sniffle.

He pushed my head back and his eyes widened with shock at my wet face.

"Why are you crying? What's wrong baby?"

I shrugged at him. "I don't know. I was just worried and, I missed you." I sobbed.

"There's nothing to worry about Em. Don't be silly, your tears are much more precious than that." he said softly, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"What did he ask you to do?" I asked.

Shawn didn't answer me. He just pulled me closer to him, which shouldn't have bothered me, but it did. He was ignoring my question.


He let out a loud sigh. "It's nothing you need to worry about, my little angel,"

"But how can I not wo-" he cut me off. Not with words, but with a kiss. His lips smashed against mine, forcing me to shut up.

After he made sure I was out of breath, he pulled away. But I wasn't going to let it go.

"Shawn what the hell was that?" I complained, hoping to get an actual answer out of him this time.

"That, was me enjoying the taste of my girlfriend. Or is that not allowed?" he was playing dumb, and I was not having it.

"Shawn I'm serious, what did you find?" I whined, getting a little impatient.

"Emma stop, I told you it doesn't matter. It's my task, not yours." His words cut through me like a knife. I didn't like his harsh tone, but I didn't push the conversation any further.

*We about to get some real tea :o

What do you think he found? Tell me tell me tell me!!!

Please don't forget to vote :D I wrote this at 1am!*

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