Chapter 28- The Dark Tower

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"Very impressive, Adelson. You may take Shawn and leave now." Rodrick announced, giving me a look that was literally begging me to break his nose.

I can't believe I killed someone.

"C-can I see their face?" I spoke softly.

Rodrick smirked at my words, as if this whole situation was amusing to him. "Of course."

I clenched my fist, my nails slightly bruising my palms. I let out a deep breath once I realized I was standing right in front of the dying body.

My hands trembled as they reached for the cover on the victim's face. Before I could pull it off, a huge thud erupted from the now broken door, and I stared in shock at Luther.

He wasn't alone, there was someone behind him, standing by the door. When I looked closer, I realized it was Nick.

"I don't recall inviting you, dear brother-" Rodrick's words were cut short by the sound of him groaning.

Lightning seared out of Luther's hand as he aimed it towards his brother, and I watched as Rodrick fell to the ground.

"Sucks to suck, doesn't it? Perhaps if you hadn't been such an asshole, Father would've taught you how to properly use your powers." Luther retorted.

Rodrick grunted in pain when Nick approached him with the intention of stabbing him. And he did.

Screams of pain filled the room and I noticed Rodrick reaching in his pockets. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but dropped my jaw when I saw him pull out a pocket-knife.

"Nick he has a knife!" I shouted, running towards them to push Nick aside.

I managed to pull him away, I was about to sigh in relief, but that turned into a loud gasp when my eyes landed on the three holes in Nicks, chest. Rodrick had stabbed him thrice, in different areas, within seconds.

"Bu-bb-but, how?" I muttered to myself as I held Nick in my arms and tapped his face continuously. Luther rushed towards Rodrick and yanked him off the ground, only to punch his jaw, over and over again.

"You piece of shit!" he shouted a word after every punch.

"Nick, hey, stay with me. Come on, open your eyes just a little longer." I whispered, trying to hold my tears back.

I took my shirt off and pressed it on the wounds in his chest, hoping it would help him make it a little longer.

He grunted beneath me. "N-no. Don't."

"Shh, it's okay. You'll be fine. Just let me." I cooed.

"It hurts." His breathing was getting very heavy, and it made a few strand tears escape my eyes. "And it's pointless." he added.

At that, whatever control I had over my crying vanished. I was losing him and he knew it. "No, that's not true." I sobbed as I pressed harder against his chest.

"S-stop. Please." At that, I finally removed my hands, and held him in a death grip instead.

"You weren't supposed to die. Not like this.  " I ran a hand through his dark hair, and kissed it. My tears never stopped falling. I caressed his cheeks as his eyes slowly closed shut. My best friend was dying in my arms, on my lap, and there was nothing I could do but cry about it.

I glanced over at the two men fighting. Rodrick spat blood, he was getting very weak. But that didn't stop him from clutching his knife. I released Nick from my arms and immediately kicked the knife out of his hand.

I felt angry, so angry that I didn't even know what to do with all that anger. "HOW DARE YOU? You killed -hiccup- my best –hiccup- friend. And another innocent person! I will make sure every bone in your body breaks before you die."

Rodrick smiled, he f*cking smiled! Despite the visible pain he was going through, he still wanted to irritate me. "Nick is on me." He breathed out, coughing a bit of blood. "But that guy is totally on you."

Without thinking, I started kicking his abdomen, his back, his dick, his knees. Everything. He eventually collapsed on the ground, no longer moving.

My head was spinning like crazy, and I had to hold onto the wall to continue my attacks.

"Emma." Luther called, but I ignored him.

"Emma!" he repeated. This time I looked at him, tears filling my eyes. "That's enough. He's dead."

I sniffled and attempted to wipe my tears away. But whenever I got rid of one, others would follow.

"I'm going to give you a minute, ok?" he told me as he went to look at the other man. The one I had killed. I didn't even know it was a guy until Rodrick said it.

I had stabbed him in his lower chest, hoping that would give us longer to save him. It would make the damage less bad than if I had injured his heart. I doubt it would matter though, it's been a little over ten minutes. The worst ten of my life.

Luther removed the bag covering the guy's face, and froze in his place. I tried to cock my head to the side, in order to see who it was, but Luther's tall and muscular frame hid everything.

"Who is it?" I asked, not really wanting to know. "Is it someone you know?"

"No no you're not coming here." he said nervously.

Of course being me, I ignored him. I got up from the floor and walked towards him. My eyes widened in terror and I fell to my knees.

He tricked me.

He didn't kill Shawn, I did.

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