Chapter9- Game On

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I walked in to the library after what seemed like ages, even though it had been less than two weeks. The longest two weeks of my life. I tried to make my hair look good for the sake of attracting Shawn. I needed to get him back, I just had to.

A couple of my co-workers stared at me, clueless about why Shawn and I had disappeared. They probably thought we had taken the week off just so we could mess around and f*ck, they're not completely wrong though.

I walked up to my spot behind the front desk, ignoring all of the strange looks I was getting. "Morning guys," I said cheerfully.

One of the girls with me gave me a cold smile while the other, which I had never seen before, greeted me as well. "How long have you been working here? I haven't seen you around before." I asked making sure my tone stayed low so that no reader would be disturbed.

"I was on vacation and I came back a couple of days ago." She replied. I thought she was Jasmine's replacement, which sent a sad wave of emotions through my body. Turned out I was hers.

"Hey doesn't that shirt belong to Jasmine?" she raised her eyebrows and pointed at my outfit as she wasn't quite sure if she were right or not.

Holy sh*t. She's going to ask me about her. What on earth am I supposed to tell her?

"Oh you know Jasmine?" I asked getting slightly off topic.

"Well duh, we both worked here. I'm pretty sure I saw her wearing that before."

"Uhh, well her and I decided to get matching shirts." I lied.

"Oh, I see." She chuckled, and I sensed something fishy about it.

Whatever, I have to focus on work. I sat down and went through a stack of files on my desk. There were so many I was supposed to get done last week. Obviously since I was in Vancouver, they piled up.

Alright here we go, I cracked my fingers and began working. About three papers in, I got bored and my mind wandered off to Shawn. Where is he? He's supposed to be watching over us making sure we're doing our job.

I smiled at the thought of seeing him again. Even though he's mad at me, his face never fails to send butterflies to my stomach. I missed him bossing me around just to irritate me, especially when I was doing everything right in the first place. Sometimes he'd just come comment on random things so he could find an excuse to talk to me.

"I'm telling you she's lying. It has a red stain on it, and I remember staining it by accident." I heard Selene whisper to Amanda. Selene is my co-worker that had just came back from her vacation, and Amanda is the other one.

What red stain? I know eavesdropping is bad but I can't help but think they're talking about me. I held out another paper and pretended to be reading it so that they'd go on.

"They were living together and she's nowhere to be seen ever since last Friday." Whispered Amanda in a very low voice, but I could still hear her.

I looked at the shirt I was wearing and noticed a small stain on the shoulders. They're definitely talking about me. Ugh no wonder Amanda hates me. I mean she never really liked me to begin with, but at least she was friendly to some degree. Every look she has given me today seemed like a death glare.

They kept whispering and I got frustrated since I couldn't hear them clearly. Shouldn't they get back to work? I tried to ignore them and go over my files, but I managed to hear some parts of their conversation. Work can wait, I need to know what they're saying.

"I rang the bell thirty times yesterday but I got no answer." said Amanda.

"She still doesn't look like a killer to me." Selene scratched her head.

"Maybe, but I still don't like that bitch. How dare she take a week off to sleep around with our boss? And how could he allow it?" Amanda was clearly frustrated and I sensed a bit of jealousy in her words.

Great. Just great. My co-workers think I killed their friend. Emma could you please focus on your job for once? Gosh I'm so bad at this.

"Hey Emma, mind if I ask you a question?" asked Amanda and I already knew what she was going to say.

Yes I do mind actually. More than you know.

"Sure go ahead."

"Have you seen Jaz lately?"

"Well last I heard she moved in with her boyfriend. Remember that guy who used to visit to pick her up?" I was referring to Rodrick. If they wanted to suspect someone, let it be him. He is responsible for a major part of her death after all.

"I see, and do you still live in her house?" she went on.

"No, I don't." Why do I feel like she's investigating me? Mind your own business woman.

"So where do you live?" Selene jumped into the conversation, making things worse for me.

"A few streets away. If you'll excuse me I need to get back to work. You should probably do the same." and with that, I forced them both to shut up and leave me alone.

The shift was pretty long and it bored me to death. Thank god it was over. I was hoping I'd see Shawn, guess I'm not that lucky.

As I was walking out of the library, I overheard Amanda whispering. "I'll make her regret ever talking to him. We both know he was supposed to be mine."

My heart raced at her words and I tried not to make it obvious that I felt threatened. Little did she know we had broken up. But if she were to find out, I know she'll do everything in her power to piss me off about it.

Game on.

*Yaaaas drama trauma! Ok that was random but... so is everything that I say really. Plz leave a vote
Ps. I'm watching you...
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Aight I'm done being a creep, for now... muahahaha.*

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