Chapter 30- I'll See Him Again

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It's been four days. Four days since Nick's death. Shawn's has been carried to the bed in our room, and I've been crying by his side the entire time, waiting for him to wake up. I lost count on how many times I apologized to him, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

Nick's funeral was held yesterday. The whole kingdom gathered outside the gates, which is exactly where I was meant to be executed not too long ago.

I didn't stop crying for a single second, I couldn't. Caroline became very pale when she heard the news, and hasn't been eating at all. King Thomas was supposed to give a speech, but he ended up giving the paper to his counselor. His jaw was clenched the entire time, his hands in fists. He was more angry than sad.

Surprising thing was, everything they did for Nick's memorial, they did for Rodrick's as well. These morons really praised him, I don't even know why they think he's worthy of their loyalty. The king ordered his guards to investigate his son's case with me, but Luther answered all of their questions instead.


I wonder how he's holding up. It must be hard for him as well. I mean, he watched his own brother die. Even though they weren't on good terms, I'd assume he still cherished their childhood memories together. He didn't bring it up though, and I've been too caught up in my own misery to ask him.

I was staring at Shawn's wounded chest heaving up and down with every breath he took. I still can't believe I caused this. His pain is my fault. There was a knock on the door. I already knew it would be Caroline before I even opened it. She had been visiting me pretty often lately.

I stood before her and studied her face. Her skin was paler than ever, like she had caught a very bad cold. Her hair was sticking up in every direction, eyes red and lifeless. Probably just like mine.

"Hey." I whispered.

She gave me a sad smile. "Can I come in?"

I nodded and opened the door wider for her to enter. She pulled out a chair and sat in front of Shawn. Her eyes were sad, like she wanted to cry but didn't have the energy to.

"How is he?" she asked, her voice barely heard.

"Same as yesterday." I sat beside him on the bed and pulled slightly on a few strands of his hair.

There was a comfortable silence that fell between us, before she spoke again. "He was a good guy." I knew she was talking about Nick.

"I know. That's why he killed him."

Her and Nick have been friends since a very young age, losing him was one of the hardest things she had to go through.

"So," I cleared my throat. "How have you been health wise? Do you still feel that burning sensation?"

I knew she didn't. I would've known if she did. I just wanted to get her mind off of Nick's death.

She shook her head. "They stopped giving me my 'medication' anyway. Max says I don't need it anymore."

"Huh? What, did they just change their minds about wanting you dead?"

She shrugged. "I guess I'm father's- King Thomas's," she corrected herself.  "Only option now. If I die, no one will inherit the kingdom."

It must really suck to be her. The only reason he's keeping her alive is because he's running out of options.

We talked a bit after that and eventually Caroline excused herself before saying, "Let me know when blondie wakes up."

I decided to go for a walk. Staring at Shawn for hours isn't healthy. It wasn't long before Luther and I made eye contact and he began walking besides me.

"I've been looking for you." I informed him. "How have you been?"

He kept his head straight, his eyes on the path ahead. "As good as someone in my situation could be." he said under his breath. "Listen uh, I don't think I can be around here any longer. I never liked this place and now I hate it even more. It's just too much."

I nodded to show him I understood where he was coming from. "Yeah, of course. If I could I wouldn't spend another second in this kingdom."

He let out a small chuckle, looking up from the ground to my face. "Well I'm glad we met, Emma. I'm probably not going to see you again but uh, I'll try. Goodbye Em."

He put out his hand for me to shake, but I just raised my brows at him. "Seriously? We literally killed people together and this is your goodbye? At least hug me you asshole."

His face broke into a grin and he threw his arms around me in a tight hug. "Yeah, I'll definitely miss you." he admitted.

I pulled away from the hug to look at him. "Really?"

He just smiled at me. "I'll miss you too." I whispered.

We were silent for a while before he spoke up again. "I should get going."

I stepped out of his way and ran a hand through my hair. "Luther?" I called out. "Thank you. For everything."

He nodded with a sad smile on his face, before he walked away from me.

I returned to my room and the sight before me left made my jaw drop. Shawn's bed was empty. I sprinted across the room searching for him, before I heard a loud thud.

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