Chapter 11- The Reuinion

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My shift was almost over and I remembered that it was almost the end of the week. Rodrick said he'd send me to Pengale any day this week. Who knows? Perhaps going there would be less painful than watching Shawn flirt with Amanda.

I have so many questions to ask Kevin and Rod. The first one being WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY SHOW SHAWN THE PICTURES?!!! It was bad enough I had to walk all the way to the stupid club in the middle of the night. Why do they want to ruin the only good thing in my life? Why do they hate me that much? And why the hell does my necklace keep glowing out of nowhere?

I left my seat and went to the bathroom. I like that even the bathrooms are Harry Potter themed. There was a large fountain in the middle, just like the movie. The lights were pretty dim though, and I didn't like that part. I hate darkness.

As I was washing my hands, the door to the restroom opened. A girl with a very petite body walked in and gave me the sketchiest smile.

"Oh there you are, Shawn has been wondering where his lazy receptionist was. I was right, you were hiding from you duties by escaping to the bathroom. Pathetic." gloated Amanda.

"Show a little bit of respect, it's Boss, not Shawn."

"To you perhaps," she breathed out as she was puckering her lips in the mirror and applied some red lipstick. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to get going."

We both exited and I headed to my spot. Her on the other hand, she knocked on Shawn's office and walked in while playing with her hair. The nerve that this girl has. You may be wondering why there's an office, three receptionists and a bunch of librarians here. Well this isn't just any library, it's the biggest in town. It has like seven floors with tons of bookshelves.

I was pissed at that fact that she had the audacity to enter his office and close the door. Maybe I was just jealous at the fact that he'd allow it. I mean technically all employees can talk to him privately in his office, but Amanda was wearing a really short skirt and I really don't trust her.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, they did. I saw Amanda walking out of his office with her shirt unbuttoned, revealing her breasts.

I hate her. I hate her I hate her I hate her. 

She's not the one I'm mad at though. It's him. How could he? What, he's just going to sleep around with girls to get back at me? I need to talk to him immediately. I knocked aggressively on his door but he didn't open it or tell me to come in.

Fine. If you won't talk to me willingly then I'll make sure you have no choice but to do so.

Don't worry guys, I won't go crazy girlfriend mode on him. I'm just going to walk all the way to his house, and wait for him to come back. Maybe I'll have a knife with me, but like I said, nothing too crazy.

My shift was finally over. I slid my card across the sensor and walked outside. The whole way to Shawn's house my mind was boiling with thoughts about him and what that bitch did in his office. If I keep this up, I'm going to be pretty angry by the time I get there.

It was already 4pm when I left work, by the time I reach his house and return to the hotel, time for lunch will be over and the buffet will close. 

I sped up hoping I'd get there before he does, and eventually, I did. I sat by his door waiting for him to come home.

About 30 minutes passed but there was no sign of him. Where on earth did he go? Who is he with? I think I already knew the answer deep down but I didn't want to admit it. I'm not going to leave, he has to face me after sleeping with her. If that's what he's up to.

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